Monday, August 23, 2010

Acne question about spot treatment?

I have two Products, Both Clean and Clear. Advantage spot treatment with Salicylic acid. or Persa-Gel-10 with Bezoyl peroxide. Now the thing is i been using the Persa-gel for about 3 or 4days and my spots have gotten Alot smaller but they look like red dots. SO should i use bezoyl peroxide or will that make it more red or should i use Salicylic acid??Acne question about spot treatment?
salicylic acid makes your face dry out a lot and will definitely make it more red

answer mine?;鈥?/a>Acne question about spot treatment?
wash your face with a hot towel and a facial cleanser that contains NO SOAP. soap can clog your pores. and use witch hazel after each wash. and fro the dark spots use a skin bleacher and apply sunblock to your face daily. to keep them from getting any darker
I recommend using herbal cream like Zenmed Scar and Hyperpigmentation Treatment:鈥?/a>

You can expect great results quickly and easily :-)
  • makeup brush
  • I need a good solution and fast and sucssessful treatment for acne pls?iam sooo sick and sad and tired too pls

    Arbonne's acne line, Clear Advantage, works great! It gives fabulous results!!

    Arbonne Clear Advantage Acne Wash- Soothing, oil-free, deep pore cleanser unclogs pores and cleanses away dirt. Medicated with acne-fighting, prescription quality salicylic acid. Active ingredients are deposited directly into the pore, helping to clear blemishes and prevent new ones from forming.

    Arbonne Clear Advantage Refining Toner- Alcohol-free, oil free toner helps balance and calm skin while removing excess oils. Enhanced with alpha hydroxy acids to gently and effectively remove dead skin cells. Skin is left clean, soothes, hydrated and refreshed.

    Arbonne Clear Advantage Acne Lotion- Mild, oil free lotion with acne fighting salicylic acid penetrates pores to destroy blemishes causing bacteria, improving problem skin. Soothing and calming botanical agents help to heal and hydrate skin.

    Arbonne Clear Advantage Skin Support- A uniquely developed dietary supplement to support the skin from the inside out. A combination of acne-fighting nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals and amino acids, plus botanicals used for centuries to improve skin conditons.I need a good solution and fast and sucssessful treatment for acne pls?iam sooo sick and sad and tired too pls
    Try the following link or purchase at Norstrom - works for my son.鈥?/a>

    Got Acne! Need Efficient Treatment?

    I used to be so embarrassed about all my pimples that I had no social life at all. Nada! I could hardly even make myself go to work, and I didn't have any friends there. I imagined that people must be making fun of me, even if they weren't. I have tried various so called cures but no results whatsoever.

    Does anyone know a good treatment for acne.

    ThanksGot Acne! Need Efficient Treatment?
    I went to the same trouble last year with my wife. We tested many so called acne treatments and neither provided results. We recommend you Acnezine and if want to get more informed take a look here These guys have great advicesGot Acne! Need Efficient Treatment?
    I have severe acne and scar easily too. So I feel your pain. I found this website, and they have essential oil blends that they tell you how and what to mix it with to help heal your acne. That one is oily on your face, but it really works! And the other one is in the free recipe section to help get rid of acne scars. That one really works, but you don't see the results over night... you have to be patient. It worked on me, and my face was pretty bad. On that same page, they also have acne mask.
    it comes from the inside and u r treating it via the outside. see a dermatologist for some tetracycline and some topical meds
    Visit a dermatologist and see what s/he has to offer. I had bad acne for 10 years and serious acne for 15 more. In those years I used every treatment, and some worked better than others.

    Finally, the doctor put me on Accutane, which cleared it up. Between first pill and clearing up, though, it got worse because every clogged pore opened up to the surface and all the ';knots'; rose. My skin got so dry that my lips started to chap. I'm now a chapstick addict, but that's a small price to pay for clear skin.

    It's hard to tell how old you are, and most people's skin clears as they get older. (My family just is acne-prone even as adults.) If you're young, this imagining may be adolescent self-consciousness. While there are a few people whose skin is so bad that everyone notices it all the time, most acne sufferers don't have it that bad and they notice more than anyone else.
    I used to have acne too but I went to dermatologist and he perscribed acutane. What it is basically is very high doses of vitamine A which dry up your pores. They are only given by prescription because they can cause pretty bad side effect mostly if you're a girl because of potential birth defects. That's why they put you on birth control pills. Anyway, these pills are miracle pills they completely eliminated all the pimples and scares I had. I had baby smooth skin. I could cover my face in grease and sleep on it and I wouldn't get a breakout. Some bad side effects was I had really dry skin for a while and it tends to higher your cholesterol levels but this is only a temporary side effect. Ask your doctor about it.
    try ayurveda soap medicare works a treat
    proactive cause jessica simpsons hot and has a clean face

    its like 20 bucks for a package
    I agree with Tom Acnezine it's truly an effective acne treatment. I used with succes for 4 months now. You can read more on acne and acnezine at
    Nelson's Acne Gel for drying up pimples and Nelson's Tea Tree Cream for gettign rid of redness and skin bumps. Each is $5.95 at your local Health Food Store (this is an all natural British brand). I read about it in In Style magazine and decided to try it. It's great!!!

    Acne scar laser treatment?

    has anybody done an acne scar laser treatment? how much and does it work? i've tried everything and my scars don't go away and i am depressed every single day cause not only do i have scars i get acne and the only way i can cover it is wearing makeup and i am tired of wearing it. also it would really help if anybody is from chico,ca. and knows of a dermatology clinic where i can get this done. thanksAcne scar laser treatment?
    I dont know of a location where you live but I have had laser resurfacing done on scars %26amp; yes, it is very effective. I have very light skin, though- I think it is not advisable on tan or darker skin...

    Acne question, spot treatment? worth it?

    so i have a little bit of acne. but not a lot of it. but i have been using spot treatment, and i was wondering if i just don't out that on my zits, and not even fiddle with them, will they just go away faster? all i do is proactiv and water. Acne question, spot treatment? worth it?
    I don't find the spot creams and stuff really do that much. Every spot has different bacteria so how can they develop something that can get rid of billions of different bacteria and works really well?

    The best thing to do would be to use a good exfoliator 2-3 times a week and cleanse and moisturise twice a day avoiding the worse patches when you cleanse and moisturise. You shouldnt pick/ squeeze them and should avoid touching them untill they go away. After they've gone, try not to touch your face with dirty hands. I always keep the anti bacteria stuff what they use in hospitals so im not rubbing muck into myskin.Acne question, spot treatment? worth it?
    It depends on your skin type, like i can use anything and it clears my acne up. So, just wash your face twice a day and you should be ok (:

    Laser treatment for acne?

    dose anyone know if laser treatment is usfull for acne iv heard it is but it cost 150 so id like to be sure and is proactive good??Laser treatment for acne?
    You should consult a dermatologist first. My son's doctor recommended laser treatment, as other topical treatments similar to proactive did not work. However, it is very expensive and not covered by his insurance, so he will not be able to do it. It is supposed to be very effective.

    What's a good treatment for acne.?

    anythingWhat's a good treatment for acne.?
    I really liked proactiv.What's a good treatment for acne.?
    I use Spectro Jel to wash my face, it works great and doesn't dry my skin. Spectro Jel can be purchased at any pharmacy.

    Generally, products with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid work best for acne. Using oil-free moisturizer also helps.
    acne-free...its exactly like get it at walmart for 20.00 comes with 3 potent acne cleaners in the kit ...please try it...i saw great results
    i use Acnezine..
    If its bad acne go and see a dermatologist ad he/she will prescribe you medication which will clear it up
    clean %26amp; clear acne stuff, it'll be gone in like 2-3 days (worked for me)

  • makeup brush
  • Does anyone know a good treatment for pregnancy acne??

    I know it's hormones but my face and chest are breaking out like worse than when i was a teenager and it's hard enough feeling cute when pregnant....thanks!!Does anyone know a good treatment for pregnancy acne??
    Outbreaks of pregnancy acne are common for many women because of all the changes taking place inside their bodies, particularly in terms of hormone levels. When hormone levels are fluctuating skin oil production can go into overdrive, causing pores to become blocked and infected. Acne then develops usually around the mouth, shoulders, chest or back.

    Using drugs to treat pregnancy acne is a serious concern for most women. Consuming oral drugs can cause side effects and can be potentially dangerous for unborn babies. Nobody wants to risk the health of their child for the sake of eliminating acne. The logical course of action is to use a topical treatment. Preferably one that does not contain any harsh chemicals, because they can be absorbed through the skin and into the bloodstream.

    Beauty is a boon with which very few women are blessed. However, it can be acquired by a little care and determination. The first thing which a stranger sees is your skin, your eyes and your hair. Therefore, to make a good first impression it is necessary that you present a flawless skin to the world.

    Here are some rules for keeping the skin healthy and glowing:

    鈥?The greatest boon for the skin is available free plenty of water - drink at least 8 glasses every day starting from the moment you wake up. You will benefit even more from a glass of warm water first thing in the morning. It dilates the blood vessels and the blood flows more easily and quickly through the body.

    鈥?The skin needs attention-twice every day. Cleansing (usually nothing more than a splash of warm water for dry skins and a wash with soap for oily skins) followed by a freshening skin tonic plus your protective moisturizer (with a sun-screen) is necessary in the morning. At night real cleansing takes over. Not a smear of cream, but deep thorough creamy cleansing; plus an oil to remove eye make-up. After this some oily skins need washing. Other skins need only skin tonic and a moisturizer or night cream. You don't have to leave cream on all night. All the good it will do takes only 20 minutes. Blot off any excess oil.

    鈥?Our- skin is not designed to withstand the sun's penetration. Severe sunburn is the result of exposure to the sun. Many drugs such as tranquilizers, antibiotics etc. make the skin extremely sun sensitive which may result in severe burning.

    鈥?If you have an oily skin stay away from make-up which is oil-based. Water-based cosmetics are freely available and can be used instead.

    鈥?Dry skin will benefit from a night cream put on just before a shower. The steam from the hot shower will assist the penetration of the cream.

    鈥?All body skin should be aired daily. Tights retard the natural sloughing off process, so try and air your legs. If you wear trousers to work, don't wear stockings.

    鈥?Exercise daily. It will make the skin glow.

    鈥?At the end of a long day, what could be nicer than a lovely luxurious soak in the bath. Even the healthiest woman needs a Herbal Bath once in a while. Gather a handful of fresh herbs from the garden (or from a herbal store, if fresh ones are not easily available) - rosemary (rusemari), thyme (ban ajwain), mint (pudina), lemon (nimbu) anything except garlic (lahsan) will do. Bruise the leaves lightly and toss them under the hot water tap as you fill the tub. The delicately fragrant vapor that rise is excellent for your complexion, while the herb-spiked water tones up the rest of your skin.

    Bath milks are rich treatments for starved skins. They contain emollients, oils and other skin-softening ingredients and turn bath water a milky color. Soak as long as possible for better results, patting the skin dry with a towel afterwards. Lemon lovers and those who want a really refreshing soak, will love the fragrance of a slice of a juicy lemon in the bath water. In case of an oily skin, slice up and use the whole lemon.

    A sea salt bath works wonders for tired muscles, aches and pains and stress related symptoms. Squeeze bath gel into bath water and it will cleanse as well as pamper sundry or sensitive skin. Bubble Baths - the traditional luxury, are liquid or powder preparations that turn a tub into a sea of foamy bubbles. Scented, they soften the water and make a bath a beautiful place to be in - although they are usually cleansers rather than beauty treatments.Does anyone know a good treatment for pregnancy acne??
    wash a washcloth in bleach, let it dry then boil some water and put the cloth in the water let it cool enough to the point you can stand. place it on your face a few times to open pores. then clean your face with astringent or noxema right before bed. wake up immediatly clean your face nut after your teeth and if you have oily skin do not use any moisturizer. repeat for a week or two and your face will clear

    Does proactive oily face treatment help treat acne too?

    cause thats all i have..Does proactive oily face treatment help treat acne too?
    I've been in that situation and there is really nothing you can do about it. There are things you can do to try to reduce the blemishes and get rid of acne/pimples temporarily but you will always be finding yourself cleaning your face or your body depending on where it's at.

    I mean of course your acne should go away eventually but for some this is the case their whole life.

    I'm 29 years old and have been suffering from these little pests since I was a teenager. I tried all sorts of face washes from the local grocery store and what not, but nothing seemed to work. If anything it would just make my skin dry and itchy.

    Literally the best acne face wash I've ever used has been this stuff called clearpores. It has got rid of the acne to quickest and has been a success ever since I got it. It's unique cause of it's herbal supplement you take a long with it that helps your skin from the inside out. I saved money on it at at the time which was helpful.

    You should really look into this stuff and if you can to assure the best results, get the 3 month supply because if it doesn't work it will still save you butt on the return policy.

    Well good luck and best wishes.Does proactive oily face treatment help treat acne too?
    There is this new popular cream that people have been talking about.

    It was even televised on TV.

    It prevents future and existing acne, diminishes scars, and lightens skin and blemishes. Fast results too! (It's been claimed that major results can be seen within a week and no later than two weeks)

    Before and After photos are available at the given ebay site.

    This person is providing 1-3 week trial samples (Only for ONE DOLLAR.. definitely a deal) on ebay at:

    Search up ';Cee En's Acne Solution'; or ';best acne solution ever'; on ebay.

    First 100 customers can get the item for $1 for one week trial and up to 3 weeks. Or you can purchase 1 month supply for $40 or 6 month supply for $160

    It's expensive, but the product DOES work.

    My sister and cousin who both have major acne have tried the product and they both give it thumbs up. I have also heard many great feedbacks about this cream.

    I don't have a problem with acne, but it seems to have great results on my sister who has moderate to severe acne. Her acne swelling went away overnight.

    I hope this helps. =)

    Treatment for acne?

    Do not overwash your face. Remember when the problem wasn't so bad you were probably washing less. Go back to that often and use mild soap with no lotion. Lotion is oil.Treatment for acne?
    birth control pills

    Witch Hazel (natural/in a toner)

    alcohol (not good for dry skin)

    Purpose/Neutrogena face wash

    Visine/Clear eyes (reduces redness of zits)

    Clinique combo (consult rep. for skin type)

    Apricot scrub (good for oily skin)

    oil absorbing facial tissues

    drink more water/eat less greasy foods/vitamin supplements

    See a dermatologist---its worth it. You probably won't have to visit much more than brother had bad acne, got a scrip and after using it for 2 mos. the acne was gone forever.Treatment for acne?
    Soap. Water.

    Lather, rinse, and repeat.

    Or see a dermatologist.
    It might pay to go to the dermatologist near you if its so manyyou hav ea broken capillaries. Eucalyptus oil rub it or any drinks with eucalyptus useful for skin problems preventing bacerial growth Clears the skin.Also Bensoin,juniper,lavender ,lemon,lemongrass and thyme.
    wash your face
    Proactive solution, expensive, but sooooooooooo worth it! :), I only use the cleaner and it got rid of everything. If you cannot afford that buy some witch hazel and a cleanser for acne at the grocery store and use them 2-3x per day (cleanser than witch hazel). I have a friend who went on acutane and it worked wonders for her, but you have to go to a dermatologist for that. gl i know how horrible acne can make you feel.
    Ortho-tricyclen birth control pills cured my acne for good.

    I'm about to get Laser Hair Removal... Can I get acne treatments(facials/microdermab鈥?after?


    I'm about to get laser hair removal on my cheeks...

    I was wondering though

    I have a lot of acne scars

    Will the Laser ruin anything on my face?

    If I want to do something about my acne scars in the future, such as laser removal, or facials and microdermabrasions, I was wondering, Can I still?I'm about to get Laser Hair Removal... Can I get acne treatments(facials/microdermab鈥?after?
    The lasers shouldn't really affect your acne scars. If anything laser hair removal could help. It's similar to the way a photofacial can help, photofacials use light to boost collagen, and while hair lasers are not designed for that, the heat could have similar effects. I definitely wouldn't count on laser hair removal to help your acne scars, but it certainly won't hurt.

    You could get any scar treatment you wanted after a laser hair removal treatment. You can even get microdermabrasions at the same time. For facial treatments, I would always recommend a microdermabrasion to start out with, it's not very powerful, but it's safe and easy. If you like the results go from there.

    Here are some good skin care resources to check out:鈥?/a>I'm about to get Laser Hair Removal... Can I get acne treatments(facials/microdermab鈥?after?
    Yes you can get it done....just not right after the treatment. The attached sites have more info.

    Any acne treatments out there like Proactiv?

    I would like to have the proactiv acne treatments, but the problem is I can't afford it! How do these people think college students can pay for this stuff?! lol I just like to know if there is any ';cheaper'; solution just like it...and works!Any acne treatments out there like Proactiv?
    Proactiv doesn't work for everyone, it defiantly didn't work for me. Look for any other 3-step system, many brands are offering them now. You should get a wash, toner, moisturizer, and if you need it, a spot treatment. I use Neutrogena's oil-free skin clearning products, they also offer skin-clearing makeup and concealer. Clinique also has a 3-step system that is pretty effective, but I think it is expensive. Also Clearasil and Almay offer 3-step systems. Just look around your local drugstore or wal-mart and find what works for you.Any acne treatments out there like Proactiv?
    Even if you could afford it u shouldn't use it. That stuff is crack for your face. I have family members and friends that have used it and it works really well while you are using it. But once your money runs out or you just stop taking it then you face go through with drawl. You break out ten times worse then what you started with. That is why they say on the tv that ';I have used Proactiv for 6 years'; now they really can't stop. Hope that helps u to understand how lucky you were to not be able to afford it.
    Try Acne Free. You can get it at Walmart or any drug store and it is very reasonably priced. I used it when I was pregnant and my hormones were all messed up, causing me to break out. It works great, and you see results in just a couple of days :)
    My steps were given to me by a doctor.

    1.Wash your pillow case that you sleep on atleast twice a week.

    2.Drink at least 3 litres of water a day.

    3.Engage in heavy exersize 3 to 4 times a week to sweat out your pores, wash sweat off with plain water and soap only.

    4.Dont touch your face during the day.

    5.Wash your face with a very mild soap only such as baby soap read the ingredients and make sure it doesnt contain anything to make it smell like flowers this agrivates the skin. Wash gently and pat dry with a towel.

    6.Drink black tea not green, black tea is fermented and contains the antioxidants needed to clean your liver try to consume two cups a day without sugar or milk.

    7.Sleep laying on your back so you dont cover your face.

    8.Dont use scrubs they only agrivate your skin, plain baby soap three times a day morning miday and before bed.

    9.Try to keep out of the sun.

    10.Last one is to remove the acne causing testosterone out of your body and theres one way to do that!! if you are a guy i suppose.

    Do this and you shuold see improvments within a couple of weeks. Just as i did
    Actually you dont need proactiv, i mean acne is mostly from genetics, sweat, and make up. So you just need to wash it day and night or at least a couple times a week and use Oxy acne wash, the cleansing pads, and the lotion vanishing acne or the spot treatment and it should only come out to be like $20-$30 bucks as of proactiv is sometimes $100's
    Mary Kay's Blemish Control Toner, and Acne Control Face Wash, plus Acne Moisturizer it comes in a back and its not that expensive you can get anywhere at sears, bay, etc...probably not at wal*mart or whatever that is
    I have not found any other product to work as well as Proactiv, even stuff that is MORE expensive. There is a product sold at drugstores that tries to imitate it but it doesn't work as well. If you live near a mall that has a Proactiv kiosk you can buy the products separately. I often use the repairing lotion on it's own without the Proactiv brand cleanser an toner. That might save you a little money.
    Go to your nearest drug store %26amp; ask the cashier for some less-costly alternatives :]]
    i know a homemade thing you can do that'll help, my cousin used to do it all the time.

    take vinegar and brown suger and mix them. than add 2 tsp of milk. then dab it all over your face, keep doing this for at least 7 days. the acne should clear up in about a week, but if it doesn't, just keep trying it.

    i definitely recommend it, it worked wonders for my cousin.

    Anyone have really good acne treatments?

    lately i have been having breakouts and tried pro active ,and clean and clear .. neither workeddd! anyone know anything good to clear up my pimples im sick of themm ??/Anyone have really good acne treatments?
    hey if you have time (and the money) go to the doctor..they prescribed me this stuff called Retina-A

    IT WORKS FREAKING WONDERS FOR ME!!!!! I have tried all of the things you mentioned and many more...belevie me acne sucks and ive had it for a few years...this is the only stuff that works (for me at least)

    if you cant go to the dermo right now..over the summer i used the oxy overnight spot treat ment ..that also worked wonders for a much cheeper price (but not as fast the the prescribed stuff) you can get this at any drugstore

    about 6$ mabey less

    since this stuff can be a little drying you need to use a really strong moisturizer . I used this stuff by Patricia MD wexler.. it is a moisturizer that not only took away my acne but also it made my face really smooth and healthy looking . This you can get at any Bath %26amp; Body Works. (Dont get the kit cause its a really $ and works just as well as the oxy stuff does)

    ive recomended this to so many people and ive gotten so much positive feedback! good luck and hope this works for u =)Anyone have really good acne treatments?
    i use to have really bad acne then i started drinking alot of water it helps clear your skin then i would use nuetrogena it makes your skin feels so clean and use apricot scrub after to remove blackheads and dead skin then rinse my face with freezing cold water i don't have acne now though sometimes i would forget and get lazy when running out of facial wash and use something else and break up but then it would do away again lol when i went back to neutrogena and apricot scrub and cold water
    This is what I recommend:

    Mix baking soda and witch hazel/or water together until it comes to a good constancy, and then spread on your face and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. these two things are very inexpensive and it's very easy to do since there is only two ingredients.

    Toothpaste is good for drying out your pimple (for some people). Put only a little bit before you go to sleep. Some people use this as a mask but DON鈥楾 EVER DO THIS! It can change your skin tone and make your face discolored.

    Aloe vera helps scars lighten and less noticeable (lemon, cocoa butter, witch hazel, and tea tree oil do the same thing). Use the gel (of the aloe plant) or the real thing.

    Try to buy a cleanser that works for you, and when you wash your face, open your pores with hot water (not too hot, or it will dry out your skin) and massage it gently into your skin. Then, use cold water at the end to close you pores. The smaller your pores are, the less likely you're prone to pimples. Clearasil, Neutrogena, and proactive are good choices to start if you want a cleanser. Don't use body soaps because they dry out your skin. Don't scrub too hard either, because it can irritate your skin.

    An egg yoke can be used to make you pores smaller. I used this when I had pimples. Just take the egg yolk (the yellow part) and leave it on your face for 10-15 minutes and rinse off with warm water and then splash your face with cold water.

    Keep your hair out of your face because the oils in your hair could go into your pores. Change you sheets because they're are trapped with dirt, oils, etc.

    Zinc (type of vitamin) is the one of the best things you can use to get rid of pimples. You can buy these almost about any large store (such as Wal-Mart or Shaws.) Have one tablet per day and try to cut down the junk food and replace it with vegetables and fruits. Drink lots of water and don't pop you acne. Popping acne can lead to acne scars.

    If you have sensitive skin, don't use make up. Some of the things in make up can clog your pores and cause pimples. Keep your hands out of your face as much as you can because you hands a full of bacteria and oils.
    clearasil ultra.

    not proactive!
    Go to and try the Exfoliate Me daily Glycolic Cleanser....It cleared up my skin. Its great!
    Arbonne has a acne line. Do you have acne all the time or just breakouts? If you just break out you just need a good face wash and a suppliment. If you are broken out all the time I would suggest my line of Acne Products $66 plus tax and shipping. If you dont like it you can send it back within 45 days for a full refund. I aslo have some great face washes. All the products are all natural no animal testing dermetolgist tested. Great products. It doesn hurt to try.

    If you are interested in more
    your skin eventually gets immune to creams and other things like that try this鈥?/a>

    its my secret to beautiful skin
    yeah, my doctor prescribed me some acne cream. one 4 night and one 4 day. ask yours the next time u go about it! trust me, it will help!! ^_^
    AcneFree works wonders. I believe that it is way better then ProActive. It's a step-system like ProActiv but it seems to have much more of a lasting and helpful affect then ProActiv does.

    If that doesn't work, you may want to consider going to the Dermatologist and see if he/she will put you on Accutane. It's an expensive drug to help rid of acne but it works wonders and is worth it.
    Try Natures Cure, available at any drug store. It's a homeopathic treatment with no side effects. You take a pill in the morning a pill at night, and apply the cream when needed. It's under ten dollars and works very well.
    you've used all diffrent kinds of skin treatments and creams and nothing works right?

    go see your doctor and say you've used all these diffrent things if they give you a rollon or cream ask for pills, you use them once a day and it takes a few months but it really does works!
    There are a variety of ways to treat acne and many acne sufferers have found that the natural types of acne treatments can be effective at helping to stop your acne and no negative side effects.Log on to for a few home made tips to heal acne .
    clearasil works well also it could help to have something prescribed by the dermatologist.
    Acne is one of the most distressing and depressing problem. Soak cotton wool in mint juice, and apply every day. Mix cinnamon powder with lime juice to make a fine paste, Apply on the spots and wash when dry .Check out for more useful info.

    For more Information check:
  • makeup brush
  • Laser acne scars removal treatment?

    how much would it cost me to have it done in Orange County, CA

    my marks arent alot but theyre sorta deep and im just tired, im berly 17 and im not happy at all having this on my faceLaser acne scars removal treatment?
    go to a dermatologist in your area and get a quote (and don't go for the lowest priced doctor. make certain to get referrals!). they will tell you how many laser treatments you will need to even out your skin. don't worry, acne scars are treatable, even deeper ones.

    youtube and google have tons of videos on laser treatment for acne scars if you want to check the process out.Laser acne scars removal treatment?
    I can help you. you must go to

    Besides Proactiv, what acne products is the best? and does facial treatment really works?

    I used to suffer from acne. Real bad where I hate to stare myself in the mirror with all the small moutains on my face. Sometimes my siblings make fun of me sayings it look like world map.

    Fortunately, after 5 years of suffering from acne, I decide to go to this special aunty for facial. It is really cheap, $30, and she work wonders. She of course, press the zit, blackhead and even apply mask to tighten the pores. She used italy product which is expensive if you buy it on your own.

    According to her, there is no point washing your face if there is blackheads which is build up for years. The blackhead is inside your face, not externally. So there is no point washing it when the problem lies inside.

    To make a long story short, my face improve DRAMATICALLY. Now, i use Body Shop facial cleanser, and I massage my face for 2 minutes to really remove the make up and oil.

    Im glad you ask this question. I know how it feels having acne on the face. Hope my reply is helpful.Besides Proactiv, what acne products is the best? and does facial treatment really works?
    Clearisal 24 hour acne control.Besides Proactiv, what acne products is the best? and does facial treatment really works?

    Does oily skin require moisturizing at night if you use acne treatments?

    It depends on whether those treatmants dry your skin out or not. If you skin dries out too much my dermatologist recommended Purpose from Johnson %26amp; Johnson, -- its a great non-cosmetic moisturizer, and I've been using it myself, its really great.

    A Spot Treatment for Acne.?

    I have some stubborn pimples on my back, about three. I have tried this gel called PanOxyl and it isnt effective. Im looking for a spot treatment, but I CANT go to the drug store and buy another on the spot treatment. Is there something I can do to make these pimples go away in a few days? ( Hopefully around 2-3)A Spot Treatment for Acne.?
    Just get some plain old Witch Hazel. Its cheat and right or close to the rubbing alcohol. Its a natural astringent.

    Is there a dermatologist website that gives you the best acne treatments and washes to use?

    I know, it's a product site, but both Dr. Rhodan and Dr. Fields are Stanford-trained Dermatologists. My daughter uses Pro Active Solution products and they really work. It is the only product that has ever helped her. If you haven't tried it, try it. It's totally different from most acne won't make your skin red and dry it out. All the other things my daughter tried really made her acne worse. So I am a believer in this one.Is there a dermatologist website that gives you the best acne treatments and washes to use?
    Old family method. Directly from the old country.

    Peel a potatoe. Wash youface with very warm water. Wash your face with the peels. let it set in a few seconds. Rewash your facew with soap and water. If needed , do this once a day for up to a week. The starch from the peels will dry the oils in your face and the soap will keep it clean.

    Don't laugh, give it a try. What can you lose....a potatoe ?

    What treatment REALLY works for pimples? I do not have acne, my pimples are skin colored.?

    I was thinking about Proactiv, but that's pricey. Some love it, others hate it, and I don't want to risk drying out my skin or anything. What's a treatment that's tried and true?What treatment REALLY works for pimples? I do not have acne, my pimples are skin colored.?
    Try the followin tips i found for u .do not use chemicals on skin. Follow these instructions and do let me know if they worked on your skin. i'm sure they will!

    1. Put toothpaste on your pimple before you go to bed, should help reduce swelling overnight. Make sure it is the paste not the gel. One of the most popular acne home remedies.

    2. Wash your face twice a day in warm salty water. This should leave your face oil free without aggravating the acne.

    3. Apply a paste of fresh methi (fenugreek) leaves over the face every night for 10-15 minutes and washed with warm water. This will prevent acne, pimples, blackheads, and wrinkles.

    4. Place strawberry leaves on the acne, the alkalinity helps to reduce the swelling.

    5. Extract juice of one lemon and mix with equal quantity of rose water. Apply this mixture on the face and let it stay for about half an hour. Wash the face with fresh water. About 15 days application helps cure acne, pimples and reduces blemishes and scars.

    6. Another method is to massage the face with the skin of lemon before washing with lukewarm water.

    7. Apply fresh mint juice over the face every night for the treatment of acne, pimples, insect stings, eczema, scabies, %26amp; other skin infections.

    8. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. At least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables should be included in your diet. All acne home remedies should include a healthy diet.

    9. A couple of garlic cloves, crushed and dabbed on the face 1-2 times a day. One of the smellier acne home remedies!

    10. Home face wash for acne: Mix together 1 or 2mls each of the following: witch hazel, tea-tree and sweet fennel essential oils, adding essential oil of geranium for women and essential oil of rosewood for men. Mix with 300mls of water. Shake before use, as the oils will float on top of the water during storage. Dab affected areas with cotton wool two or three times a day. The oils will clean and unclog giving antibiotic-like protection to the skin.

    11. Apply fresh lemon juice on the affected area overnight. Wash off with warm water next morning.

    12. Use 2-3 tsp. dried basil leaves to 1 cup boiling water. Steep 10-20 minutes. Cool, and apply with cotton ball.

    13. Grind orange peel with some water to a paste and apply on affected parts. One of the best acne home remedies.

    14. Clean face with cotton wool dipped in rose water 2-3 times a day.

    15. Mix 1 teaspoon lemon juice in 1 teaspoon finely ground cinnamon powder and apply on affected areas frequently.

    16. Nettle Tea is another solution, this tea has a herb that has some curing power and really helps work wonders on skin problems. Drink four cups a day to get the full benefit of one of the most powerful acne home remedies. Get nettle products here.

    17. Aloe Vera juice applied twice a day can greatly speed up the healing of acne lesions. You can buy Aloe Vera at

    18. Another lotion that uses bee propolis extract may also be effective. Mix eight ounces of water and 11 drops of bee propolis extract. One of the acne home remedies which has been proven effective with many people.

    19. Some herbal acne home remedies...

    Burdock leaf tea.

    Lavender essential oil (mix 1:10 with water)

    Tincture of calendula flowers.

    Tea tree essential oil (mix 1:10 with water)

    Liquefy cabbage leaves with witch hazel, strain and add two drops of lemon oil. Use as a lotion.

    20. Ice down the acne before bed, by morning it should be noticeably less swollen. Works best on larger pimples that have not yet formed a head.

    21. Take vitamin B5 and zinc supplements daily to strengthen the skin's resistance to acne.

    22. Mix mint juice with turmeric powder and apply on affected area. Leave for 15-30 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water.

    23. Mix some vinegar and salt in a bowl. Pour a little bit in your hand and rub it on the pimples. Soak a face towel in it and dab it on the bumps. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and rinse it off.

    24. Blend cucumber and make a paste. Apply this as a mask on your face and leave it for 1/2 hour and then rinse. This refreshes your skin and prevents acne.

    25. Mix corn flour with egg white and apply on your face. Let is dry completely for 1/2 hour. Dip your hands in warm water and massage your face and wash off. This when repeated regularly gives you a smooth skin.

    26. Mix sandalwood paste with rosewater and apply on the face. Rinse off after 30 minutes.

    27. Essential oil face mask for acne: Use a mask base powder, such as fuller's earth or kaolin powder. Use distilled or filtered water to make a paste. Mix 1 heaped teaspoon of base powder to 3 drops of essential oil. Add approximately 2 tablespoons of the water in, to make a fluid yet balanced paste. Essential oils to add in the mask either separately or try smaller amounts together; cypress oil 1 drop, lemon oil 2 drops, sage oil 1 drop.

    28. Mix the paste of tender neem leaves with turmeric and apply of affected area. An eastern approach to acne home remedies.

    29. Grind some nutmeg with milk and apply on affected area. Pimples disappear like magic without leaving a mark.

    30. Make a mixture of lime juice and rose water. Apply on face and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water.

    31. Make a paste by mixing 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. Repeat for two weeks, pimples will disappear forever.

    32. Rub fresh garlic on and around pimples. Pimples will disappear without a mark with regular applications.

    33. Mix 1 tsps groundnut oil with 1 tspn fresh lime juice to prevent formation of blackheads and pimples .

    34. Ground drumstick pods and leaves and mix mixed with fresh lime juice, and apply on pimples. This is also good for blackheads and dark spots.

    35. First wash face and then dab acne with cotton balls soaked in vinegar.

    36. Mix groundnut oil with an equal amtount of fresh lime juice and apply on face. leave for 10-15 minutes and wash. It may be applied daily to prevent formation of blackheads, acne and pimples.

    37. Apply juice of raw papaya (including the skin and seed) on swelling acne, pimples.

    38. Apply fresh lime juice mixed to a glass of boiled milk as a face wash for acne, pimples, blackheads, and cracked skin.

    39. Apply ripe Tomatoes pulp on acne, pimples and kept upto 1 hour, then wash.

    40. Make a paste of roasted %26amp; powdered pomgranate skin with fresh lime juice and apply over acne, boils, pimple, blackheads and whiteheads.

    41. Apply grated potatoes as poultice to treat skin blemishes, wrinkles, boils, pimples, blackheads, whiteheads , etc.

    42. Make a paste of ground radish seeds with water and apply on face to remove blackheads.

    43. Apply a paste of ground seasame seeds with water as poultice for inflammation of the skin due to allergies, skin rashes, and pimples.

    44. Large pores on facial skin can be treated with paste of sandalwood powder with masoor dal.

    45. Use an oatmeal or almond mask throughly to cleanse your face. Mix either oatmeal or almond powder with enough rose water to make a soft paste that spreads easily on the skin. Rub it on your skin with your fingertips, paying special attention the problem areas. Leave to dry for about 15 minutes and then rinse off with cold water. This is very good in getting rid of blackheads.

    46. A solution made out of one and a half cups of hot water and half a tablespoon of boric powder is an ideal remedy for blackheads, Saturate a face napkin in this hot solution and press on to the skin, repeat twice. Extract blackheads carefully with a blackhead remover and sterilized cottonwool. Pat on an astrigent.

    47. Honey is a great remedy for skin blemishes and acne because the honey kills bacteria.

    These are some effective home remedies for the treatment of acne and blackheads.What treatment REALLY works for pimples? I do not have acne, my pimples are skin colored.?
    thank you! im going to try these! i started breaking out after my second pregnancy and nothing seems to help. i hope these work. :) Report Abuse

    neutrogena oil free acne wash works really well, I used it while I was waiting for my proactive to arrive. I also get lot of skin colored pimples. I been using proactive for a week, I bought the one month trial set. and I love it!!! it made my face look 100% better, it did get a little dried out when i first used it, but I put on cetaphil lotion and it was fine. plus cetaphil wont clog your pores. I think you should give proactive a try! I was scared to get it too, because some people hated it and I thought I'd be a person it didnt work fo and then I wasted all my money. but I gave it a try and love it. good luck
    Personally, i dont think that proactive works! I bought it and it didn't work. Instead it change my skin in a bad way. For the 1st week, i was very pale, the 2nd week i got really dark. I was kinda like you. I didnt really have acne. Now my skin is great. My dermetologist suggested Benzoyl Perioxide 5%. Its awesome. its gentle and my insurance paid for it! I really recommend it!

    Good Luck!
    If you鈥檙e looking for accurate acne information, best to see a dermatologist. Some people believe doctors are predisposed to take the easy way to deal with acne鈥?prescription drugs. But, with many, this simplistic answer may not be the appropriate course of action. Some feel that such prescription drugs just treat the symptoms and not the underlying cause. But, a local dermatologist is still your best starting point.

    For me personally, I discovered a great informational acne treatment site. Not only is there good information/articles but I got their audio e-book and following it鈥檚 advice can now say that my acne is a thing of the past! Keep in mind, were all different and there are various types of acne, so what works for some may not be totally effective for all.

    Bottom line, hang in there, you will get past this! Sincere best wishes and good luck.

    Oh, by the way the site that helped me is:



    proctive maybe pricey but well worth it. you get what you pay for.

    And to not have pimles. that is priceless.
    proactiv is PRICEY-but nothing works better.. honestly.. its amazeing.. try it... you will not regret it!!!
    Proactiv is not worth the money, it sucks. Anything over the counter with salicylic acid will work, or go to a dermatologist's office and buy glycolic acid products over the counter. If it's cystic acne, Accutane is a rx that some use (it is only for severe acne). Good luck!
    try clearpores or acnezine which work pretty good. You may also consider proactiv which some people have had good success with.
    try proctive!
    proactiv is only 19.99 for the 30 day kit! that's not pricey
    I've started using Clinique 3 step skin care when i had continues breakouts in high school and it worked. It's been 8years now and i still use it and love it. You can also exfoliate your skin daily at least one a week. St Ives works pretty good too.
    i'VE never used pro-active, but after reading everyone's comments on pro-active, the reason people don't like the Pro-active is because their skin dries out. the solution to that is to use it every other day vs. every day. easy fix and hey, it lasts longer.

    If that doesnt work, seriously, go see a dermatologist. they have free samples too. You can try drinking lots of water too.

    I would highly sway you against ever trying Accutane, its bad stuff. If youre skin gets dried out, you have to find a good moisturizer. I found creams work better than lotions.
    It sounds like you're having the same problem I was having. I tried proactive and it so did NOT work! All it did, like you said, was dry out my skin. People will tell you to use it, but if you don't have acne, then DON'T USE IT!! Clean%26amp;Clear is a good alternative, but you have to make sure that you get the rihgt stuff. Another good alternative is St. Ives. If you're going to get that, you'll need to get a cleanser and a scrub. You'll need to use the scrub twice a week. These cleanser/scrub won't get rid of your pimples right away. In fact, when you start using them, you might actually start to get more pimples. You'll get them because the cleanser is doing a good job. I know that may be hard to believe, but it means that the cleanser is getting all the dirt from inside your pores and bringing it up to the surface. After it brings it to the surface, it gets rid of it. It usually takes around two weeks to be able to see results, although you'll probably see the ';new pimples'; in just a few days. Its rough untill you get through the initial two weeks, but after that, its smooth sailing.

    One thing that you could do if you don't want to wait, is by a zeno. They ARE expensive, but its not like a monthly cost. Just one time and you're done. A zeno gets rid of your pimple in one day. Go to and check it out!!! Hope I helped! good luck!
    i dont got pimples sorry for ya peoples with pimples haha
    I have the same problem, and the same question. I am 29, past the acne stage, and have dry skin, but clogged pores. ProActiv didn't help me. I think it is hormonal because when I was pregnant 2 times, my skin cleared like a baby's butt smooth. I have also tried Benzamycin which is prescription, it didn't help either. I like Avon's Porefection line, its cheap and the best thing I have found in 15 years of this.
    I think if u have aol isntasnt messenger u should im a bot especially made for neutrogena product..The screen name is Askneutrogena..U should tyr it i did/Good luck..emails me if u need 2
    Use all natural soaps daily. After put any toner, and apply lotion. Make sure you apply toner and lotion to your neck as well as your face because many people make the mistake by not washing their neck. To help reduce the pimple put a drop of tea tree oil on it every night before you go to bed. If you need a face wash in particular, I use Aubrey Organics: Natural Herbal. It is vegan and has 100% natural ingredients. Also, you can drink jasmine tea. It helps a lot! You can also go to this site, A healthy diet is very important to your skin as well. If you have any problems on your nose, you should use biore strips. For pimples apply toothpaste to it before you go to sleep, that is if you dont have the tea tree oil. Remember to drink plenty of water.
  • makeup brush
  • ...........Acne problem..........what treatment do i use to take aways the redness i have on my cheeks & nose?

    everyone is different when it comes to acne, so you'll have to try lots of different stuff to get rid of your problems. i recommend a product called beautiful skin!...........Acne problem..........what treatment do i use to take aways the redness i have on my cheeks %26amp; nose?
    I use proactive and no joke it works like a charm! Maybe you should check it out!!...........Acne problem..........what treatment do i use to take aways the redness i have on my cheeks %26amp; nose?
    Well you should try Proactive but it really didn't work on me.
    Pregnancy will do many things to your body and may cause severe acne also. I suffer from acne and all I could do is make sure I washed my face several time throughout the day and use stridex pads on my face. Maybe even a little seabreeze to help with the oiliness. Maybe you can use some sort of facial moisturizer as well so your skin doesnt dry out too bad.
    i am using a nutragena scrub and moisturizer- its helping me. also there is proactive or clean and clear
    i use this product:鈥?/a>

    I dont know if you're pregnant, but you asked this in the pregnancy section, my doctors said its safe while pregnant.

    Its also a good idea to use some aveeno daily skin brightening srub in the shower every day. Its very gentle and will help even your skin tone.

    if youre not pregnant, use both those and go tanning once or twice a week, that helps a lot.
    As others have already said, try proactive, if you don't care for ordering things over the phone or online they actually have kiosks in the malls now where you can pick it up. I urge you to give it a whirl, it cleared up my teenage acne kept me acne free in my twenties and now that I am pregnant is clearing the little ';hormone breakouts'; very quickly. Do you think the redness on your cheeks and nose could be the mask of pregnancy? it is a fairly common symptom of being preggers and can become darker if your in the sun a lot. Best Wishes for you!
    Proactive hasnt worked for me, only made it worse, made my face very red, seems like I wa sallergic to it, but to many friends of mine it did work,

    But i used a drug called amnesteem, it has a couple of other name. ask your doctor about it, I used it for 6 months and now I have clear skin thank god...
    what is this question doing on the pregnance section.

    you really need a life.. and some proactive.

    i mean havent you seen the COMMERCIAL!?!?!?

    jessica simpson NEVER lies!

    omg.. speaking of jessica simpson , i luvv her songs....

    i need an angelll...blah blahh blahh

    i luv tellietubies too

    tinkie winkie




    OO speakin of tinkie winkie, i luv john mayer!!!!

    with a passion

    hes the ****

    i luv him

    i luv him

    i luv him

    ur an idiot if you dont like john mayer





    what was the question again????

    Laser treatment for acne...........?

    If you have moderate to severe acne scars, how many treatments would it take for your skin to improve a lot and around how much does each treatment cost? Thanks!Laser treatment for acne...........?
    I have used this highly informative information and it worked for me in getting rid of my pesky acne. And you don't need to buy expensive acne cream either!鈥?/a>Laser treatment for acne...........?
    You don't need to resort to any risky chemical or surgical expensive procedures. This is a safe, simple, natural, low cost treatment that really works and has been selected as 5 star Best Answer by Asker who reported was getting results after three days. Vitamin E capsules are a very effective cure but you have to APPLY CAPSULE CONTENTS DIRECTLY TO THE SKIN. I know for a fact that when someone has face surgery or a face lift the doctor tells patient to do precisely this to hasten healing and minimize scarring. Also another very effective treatment is using an organic or natural nut or coconut oil to massage face with quite a strong, vigorous motion - that part is important - once a day (best at night as will make face flushed). You will find you can make it more vigorous as you progress. Skin is always renewing, the vigorous massaging hastens a spot and blemish free new skin to emerge overtime. Initially, the skin has to adjust and if soreness or other reactions happen - the skin might expel poisons that need to be expelled - then stop and resume when you can. You have to find the pace that works for you - it's different for every person. Stick with it %26amp; in a week or so you will see an improvement and overtime you will have a completely spot free, clear and healthy skin. Some have used this treatment and have found it permanently rids skin of pimples and all other kinds of skin problems. It also dramatically minimises any wrinkles or other signs of skin aging.


    Over 20 years research into natural treatments of skin, hair and scalp disorders
    You didn't say where you are from. Each treatment can differ depending on what kind and where you are getting the treatment done.

    As you did not post enough information, I can't research for an answer for you. However, you may wish to check out this site which has articles submitted by various acne sites and may just contain the information that you need鈥?/a>


    Toothpaste is the absolute best home spot treatment

    I have found. Just dab a little bit on your zits before you go to bed (after you wash your face) and they are significantly smaller and less red the next day.

    But why would you want to do it without treatment?GET RID OF ACNE FAST, WWiITHOUT TREATMENT??..?
    the best thing to do is

    mix some clean turmeric powder (very little) to sandalwood paste and apply on to the face. keep it for half an hour. wash it .

    u get an oil free skin. and also after a couple of days ur acne reduces considerably. believe me. it is self-tested.and after a week it shall completely vanish
    First of all get yourself a clear soap, Pears, is a good one. A bottle of 'Aloe Vera 100% Gel, from Walmart ($2.00) and a bottle of clear vinegar, cotton swabs. Now you are set.

    Wash your face with the clear soap, pat dry, use the vinegar as an astringent, wait about 5 minutes, then put the Aloe Vera Gel on your finger tips and rub gently on your face. This will clean, your face, (soap) vinegar will dry the oily spots on your face. Gel will help heal. Beside these products are used for other things.

    Good Luck. Another bit of info, do not let anyone else use the soap, as transference of germs from one person to another will occure. Good Luck.
    I use proactiv and I used to hate the face mask stuff.... but then I found out to not use it as a mask, rather as a spot remover. If I get a blemish, I put a dab of the mask on it at night and in the morning its gone!
    My sister had acne. My mother had her steam her face. You need a couple of hours, but it really works.

    First make some hot water then put a towel over your head to keep the steam in. When you are done use your regular soap and water to clean your face. This process opens up your pours on your face and it will open your nasal passages as well. So do it either before bed or do not go outside for a few hours after.
    Lime juice, tomato slices, home made packs can be used for treating acne. You can find more cheap, effective and natural home remedies for pimples at

    Spot treatment on acne?

    Hi everyone...Does spot treatment work instantly on acne??? Thanks in advance...Spot treatment on acne?
    im not sure. everyone's skin is different. bu one thing that works for everyone- toothpaste. put toothpaste on your zits, leave it for 15 minutes, wash off and bam! zit gone! i do it all the time.Spot treatment on acne?
    hi, i don't really get acne, but i do have very greasy skin, and i can get some nasty zits especially on my face (v bad times)

    i use a boots product called skin clear deep cleaning wash.

    it works really well for me, just make sure you put some face cream on as well as it can make your skin go a little dry, but only if you have sensitive skin like me. it will take around 3 days to take effect, as long as you don't eat really greasy foods then you will be fine.

    hope this helps you out.

    if you suffer with really bad acne, you need to consult your GP he can give you some special cream to assist in treating the problem.
    I agree with Emily, but I don't know if it is the fluoride on it that makes it work that good. I think white toothpaste is usually better. Just put it on, give it a minute and wash it off. From time to time, I use %26gt;just%26lt; a bit of Sodium bicarbonate with it but then I have to moisturize my face and there are very few good moisturizers out there. They either leave you with an oily face or dry it up and make it feel rough. Personally, I think that depending how bad it is, you can wash your face every morning and keep it under control. The bad part of it, as soon as you stop doing it, they will probably hunt you down again. :P

    Good luck anyways.

    Give the credits to Emily... ;)
    Hi, i use spectro acne care spot treatment, it takes awhile for it to work but it does eventually take like two days to four to go away.

    Best treatment for acne?? Lol?

    you should use tea tree oilBest treatment for acne?? Lol?
    Avoid washes as these strip away natural oils which actually causes skin to produce more oil which clogs pores, instead try cleansing with Oil Cleansing Method (OCM) which maintains natural oils keeping skin healthy so prevents acne. For OCM mix half extra virgin olive oil to moisturize and half castor oil to cleanse, also try adding a little tea tree oil which is antibacterial. Massage into your face then put a hot face cloth over your face for a minute to open pores, then wipe off oil, any trace amounts are absorbed into skin so won't be greasy.鈥?/a> Be sure to use your own face cloth and towel, keeping them clean and dry to avoid bacterial growth, also follow cleansing with moisturizing, as long as it's not greasy it won't cause spots instead it'll keep skin healthy 鈥?remembering oil is good for skin try Bio Oil to moisturize and heal scars.

    Once a week steam to open pores, do this by putting your head over hot water with a towel over it, but don't do this dueing breakouts as it stimulates blood flow and oil glands. Exfoliate weekly to scrub off dead skin, use something with rounded beads to avoid damage to your skin which can cause more spots, or you may want to try cosmetic vinegar which also promotes circulation, regulates skins pH and is antiseptic. Mix 500ml of apple cider vinegar, 3ml lavender essential oil, 3ml rosemary essential oil, 2ml rosewood essential oil, and 2 tablespoons glycerine, place into a glass bottle, use as cleanser by adding 1 tablespoon vinegar to 1 cup of water. Try masks too, there are many easy recipes online, see Make Your Own Cosmetics or Pioneer Thinking try this strawberry acne mask; mix together 陆 cup fresh strawberries, 1 egg white, and 2 teaspoons of honey until smooth. To use spread over face and leave for 15 minutes, rinse off with cool water and pat dry. This one is good as strawberries are rich in salicylic acid which is commonly used in acne treatments, honey is also antibacterial.

    Keep yourself healthy, diet is a big factor so get a healthy diet with plenty of fruit, vegetables and lots of water, but also avoid salty foods as iodine aggravates acne, also try a good multivitamin - vitamins A, B6, zinc and chromium help to clean up acne (FYI chromium also helps suppress sugar cravings). Get plenty of exercise, sleep and stay stress-free, also pay particular attention to skin during harsh weather when it's more prone to damage, that includes using sunscreen at all times. Make-up isn't a problem if you use mineral foundation which has great coverage but doesn't clog pores, also keep your make-up clean as dirty sponges or hands in make-up will cause bacteria which in turn causes spots. Avoid products like hairsprays with synthetic polymers such as vinyl or other plastics, that is because if it gets onto the skin on your face, as it does if spraying all over your head even if aiming for your hair, it will clog pores particularly where there are larger pores such as on the chin or mouth.Best treatment for acne?? Lol?
    Well, it all depends on the severity of your acne.

    If the blemishes are large and deep and leave pock marks when healed, then i would go with proactive. It dried out my skin, but it works for a lot of people with severe acne.

    However if you are like me and get small pimples and blackheads, you should try the murad system. It does not make your skin flaky, but it definately does the trick.
    I've tried lots of stuff and most of the stuff doesn't work. But recently I started using: PanOxyl Aquagel (2.5%).

    It bleaches your skin, so avoid getting it on clothes and hair, and it starts out making your skin red and peally but after a week it goes amazing!! I seriously recommend it if you can cope with red skin for a bit
    I used the Benefit Boo Boo Zap and it works well for me, it's very effective and also recommended by lots of celebs. You can buy this for less than 拢10 from or for about 拢15 from the Benefit shops.
    Ignore the guy who says there is no cure, watch the video on this linkm it's very helpful.鈥?/a>
    Actually the walmart acne stuff works for me so try it.
    trial and error with random products

    if not go to derms, even though it's a bit exy.
    I use Oxypads, Zapzit, and face lotion stuff
    go to the doctors and ask for an acne cream
    when face gets oily wash with water
    go doctors

    Are there any treatments for acne scarring?

    That your dermatologist can do?Are there any treatments for acne scarring?
    I googled it and found this for you,

    Most serious scarring is caused by the more severe forms of acne, with nodules more likely to leave permanent scars than other types of acne. The best way to deal with acne is to get treatment soon after the acne appears to prevent further severe acne and more scarring. If you have nodules, see your doctor or dermatologist for treatment.

    If you have serious scarring from previous bouts with acne, there are some things you can do. One form of treatment is laser resurfacing, which can be done in the doctor's or dermatologist's office. The laser removes the damaged top layer of skin and tightens the middle layer, leaving skin smoother. This can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour. The doctor will try to lessen any pain by first numbing the skin with local anesthesia. It usually takes between 3 and 10 days for the skin to heal completely.

    Another method for treating acne scarring is dermabrasion, which uses a rotating wire brush or spinning diamond instrument to wear down the surface of the skin. As the skin heals, a new, smoother layer replaces the abraded skin. It may take a bit longer for skin to heal using dermabrasion 鈥?usually between 10 days and 3 weeks.

    The newest form of treatment for acne scarring is called fractional laser therapy. This type of treatment works at a deeper level than laser resurfacing or dermabrasion, Because fractional laser therapy doesn't wound the top layer of tissue, healing time is shorter. Fractional laser therapy is quite costly, and it's not usually covered by insurance.

    A person's acne will need to be under control before having any of these treatments.

    Depending on the severity of the acne scars, the doctor or dermatologist may also suggest a chemical peel or microdermabrasion to help improve the appearance of scarred areas. These milder treatments can be done right in the office.

    Sometimes doctors inject material under the scar to raise it to the level of normal skin. Finally, in some cases, a doctor may recommend surgery to remove deeply indented scars.

    One thing you shouldn't do to deal with acne scars is load up your face with masks or fancy lotions 鈥?these won't help and may irritate your skin further, making the scars red and even more noticeable.

    If you have a red or brownish mark on your face that you got from a bad zit, have no fear 鈥?it will eventually fade, just like the scars you had on your knees after you fell off your bike when you were a kid. However, it may take 12 months or longer 鈥?so your best bet is to avoid these kinds of marks by not squeezing or popping your zits, no matter how tempting it may seem.Are there any treatments for acne scarring?
    Laser resurfacing....
    Take vitamin E capsules and puncture with a needle - then rub the E oil on the scars everyday - it takes a year for them to fade but it really does work.
  • makeup brush
  • Laser treatment for acne?

    where do i get information about this...i want to get it done but i want to know some things about it how long does each treatment take and how many do i have to much does it cost....can u please help me on this....thanksLaser treatment for acne?
    Many victims have been grateful for the invention of this high tech new method. I had a friend at school who had a severe form of acne. I guess you all remember those teen years when your delicate skin had zits and blemishes. That friend of mine had it as bad as you can only imagine.

    Apart from his face, his back was all covered with bumps, too. Even when he got rid of his acne in few years he still had acne aftermath which is facial scarring. That's the worst thing that acne sufferers have to deal with. When he finally visited a professional to get help, a dermatologist offered him a laser acne treatment. This is how he got rid of these irksome scars and was left with a much smother and radiant complexion

    where do i get information about this......鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    how much does it cost.....

    This site has costs for the treatment on the bottom of the page.鈥?/a>Laser treatment for acne?
    I had same problem i went to soft touch laser. The doctor said it cost $500 or more for 3-5 treatments it'll take about 3-5 months time,every month treatment. I never got mine done because i haired it could get more whores by laser. it goes away by itself and mine did my face is getting clear and not using anything.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    okay here are a few sites, good luck

    Best treatment for acne?

    treat your acne with a system.

    Wash your face, since it is oily and attracts bacteria. Get a gel to wash your face morning and night.

    Then apply every night a cream everywhere on your face (and not on the different spots here and there). The cream must contain benzoyl peroxide, 2,5%, or 5% or more. the percentage depends how your skin will react.

    Then, in order to avoid getting dry, since the cream will dry your skin out, apply an emulsion on your face, an emulsion for acne / oily skin, and not a cream, an emulsion, since a cream contains fat which will worsen acne.

    My tip for you is to get an acne cream which will contain benzoyl peroxide and antibiotic as well, such as the cream Indoxyl.

    Acne needs treatment, and a system. do it and if it does not get better try roaccutan, the famous pills based on vitamine A. But you will need a doctor to perscribe them to you. Dont worry, i am sure you will get better if you do what i suggestBest treatment for acne?
    Cleanse your body of toxins; sleep early at night; wash your face before going to bed; nourish, balance and strengthen your immune system...

    An inexpensive way to treat your acne from the outside is HandyGel, an antibacterial hand sanitizer made from a combination of plants... cactus is one of its potent ingredients! It is also great for external wounds...

    DO not use medically-formulated drugs, most commonly prescribed by most dermatologists... usually dangerous, good result is temporary and short-lived, and treatment is expensive! Believe me, my friend spent a lot on a derma only to find out that her acne was getting worst... Now, she's happy and confident!

    Hormonal imbalance is, most often, the culprit so, internally, I suggest you take Pearlin and Concenergy... 100% safe!Best treatment for acne?
    I have dealt with problem skin for more than half of my life. It really depends upon what type of acne you have. I would recommend seeing a dermatologist for an assessment. ProActiv works for managing very mild acne problems but it also bleaches towels and clothing so you need to be extremely careful. Other types of acne like cystic acne may require antibiotics.
    Most people want to treat acne scars rather than acne.It is like treating measles scars rather than measles.Acne is a skin condition caused by the internal imbalance.All medicines and creams which help to remove acne scars contain benzoyl peroxide.

    You can regain your internal balance and cure your acne completely and permanently by natural techniques.For, More Information,

    Good Luck
    Pro active does work, but not for everybody. I would give it a try. More important though is treating from within. You need to drink a lot of water and try not to eat greasy, fatty foods, and junk in general. I would try any ggod cleanser and getting witch hazel. Witch hazel works greast as a toner/astringent, I would use it once a day at first after you cleanse your face. Then follow with a moisterizer, something not too greasy.
    You should go see a dermatologist. Only he/she can tell you what's best to apply (or take orally) to help treat your acne.

    If you want to apply something on it now, visit your local pharmacy and pick up a lotion/cream with benzoyl peroxide.

    for acne,fair complexion,tanning,sunburn,marks,

    spots,make up tips,hair issues n other skin n hair problems

    u can refer to dis website

    it has got so many tips n free beauty samples

    for curing acne and all your skin problems
    I had acne too and something that worked for me was ProActiv. It had its pros and cons like it worked but it was kinda expensive over time and you had to use it wisely (follow the directions) because it runs out fast. Other than that it was pretty good.
    The only problem I had was proactiv and the like don't end the acne... they just treat it. This way they keep you coming back. I finally found relief at the website. worked for me. Check it out and see what you think. Godbless and goodluck, Tiff

    Apply a paste made of nutmeg powder and raw milk on pimples and wash it off after 20 minutes. Do it for about 10-15 days to see the difference. More such solutions at

    hi this is jennifer i have got a cream and a fruit drink which could cure ur acne n other problems of ur body it can cure cancer 2 head ache if interested mail me for further details

    Wats a good black head treatment n a acne threat meant not soo expensive?

    Spend some time working out, and in a steam room/sauna afterwards. That will clear up those pores by opening them up to sweat and not collecting dust in your sebum. That's what it is! Sitting around too much!

    A blackhead cleanser (that has exfoliant) isn't a bad idea, unless you are taking acne medication that gives you sensitive skin.Wats a good black head treatment n a acne threat meant not soo expensive?
    What I found works best on acne is a dab of honey followed by a dab of vaseline before bed. The honey breaks down to hydrogen peroxide, which kills the bacteria. The vaseline keeps more bacteria from getting in and takes away some of the stickiness of the honey.

    Change your pillowcases often if you use this. Otherwise, it's no big deal and no one needs to know.

    Got the idea from a honey and oil ointment the Hindus have used for over a thousand years on abrasions and small wounds. It works. I'm just too lazy to actually make the ointment properly.Wats a good black head treatment n a acne threat meant not soo expensive?
    skip all the over the counter treaments (staltic acid or benyzone), or at least only use them for spot treatment. Wash your face daily, maybe twice depending on the dryness of your skin with a MILD soap, such as purpose or aveeno. Wash your cell phone, pillow cases, and anything that you rub yourface against frequently.

    this isnt the fastest cure to acne, and wont work if you case is extremely severe. but is effective, safe, and probably the best LONG TERM option for anyone with mild acne.

    Laser treatment for acne?

    i was on accutane for about 6 months and will be going through a laser treatment for acne.

    ok, so does the laser treatment really work?

    what are the side effects?

    can the scars ever come back again?

    and lastly..does it hurt?!

    thanks!Laser treatment for acne?
    it hurts sorta, and sometime if gone wrong there are permanent scarsLaser treatment for acne?
    let me know what you find out

    Man clean your stomach, Drink 2 liters of water everyday.Wash your face regularly.Forget all treatment stuff.
    good question--my son was on accutane also and has alot of scarring, but we can't afford to have the laser done right now. I would also post this in the medical section under skin conditions. Good luck!
    as i heard from everybody else is really good.

    Whts the best treatment for Acne?


    Because acne is the most widespread skin disorder in the world, a lot of research has been done to determine how acne forms and how it is eliminated. Over the years a number of different treatments, medicines, and products have been developed to help control and eliminate acne.

    Currently there are about 7 different treatments that are widely used in the prevention and elimination of acne. Subsequently, there are literally thousands of different products that use these treatments in one form or another. To find the best of these, be sure to check out our ranking and review page.

    Acne Treatments

    Accutane (Isotetinoin): Accutane is a very powerful drug that is a derivative of vitamin A. It is normally prescribed for severe acne in cases where other treatments have failed to work. Accutane is normally taken for 4-6 months. The downside to Accutane is the high occurrence of side effects, some very serious.

    Antibiotics: Antibiotics are designed to fight bacteria and are thus used to control acne mainly from the inside. There are topical antibiotics such as clindamycin that are applied directly to the skin. Other antibiotics such as tetracycline are in pill form.

    Benzoyl Peroxide: This is an anti-bacterial agent that has been used to control acne for many years. It has been proven to work very well in the elimination and prevention of acne. Benzol Peroxide can be found in many prescription and over-the-counter medicines and products.

    Herbal Remedies: A relative newcomer to mainstream acne fighting are herbal remedies. It is thought that certain herbs are effective in regulating oil levels and other bodily functions that pertain directly to acne.

    Retin-A (tretinoin): Retin-A is a combination of retinoic acid and vitamin A acid. It is designed to treat acne, wrinkles, and sun damage. It supposedly does this by unplugging follicles and turnover over dead skin cells.

    Salicylic Acid: This is another widely used formula in controlling acne, especially preventing future breakouts. Salicylic acid helps slow down the shedding of cells inside the follicle. It is available in many over-the-counter treatments.

    Sulfur: Sulfur is used in acne control mainly to promote drying and peeling of the skin. This may be good for eliminating existing acne but its effects on preventing future acne are questionable.

    There you have it. Most acne regimens consist of one or more of the above formulas. It is important to note that everyone's skin seems to react differently to these treatments. For some people, benzoyl peroxide works great. For others salicylic acid may work better. You really have to experiment a bit and find out which treatment works best for you.

    With that said, we've ranked and reviewed what we feel are the 5 best acne treatments available today. These 5 treatments utilize differing ingredients to control acne. Some use benzoyl peroxide while others use mainly herbal remedies. The one thing they have in common is their effectiveness in controlling acne for a large number of people.

    Feel Free to Contact

    Dr.MojoWhts the best treatment for Acne?
    ProActivWhts the best treatment for Acne?
    spell check
    roaccutane capsules is the final cure for acne but it is very expensive
    i think the best is keeping you face clean by washing it or using stridex pads. if you choose to use proactive it may work and get rid of the acne fast but if you stop using it you will break out more
    If you鈥檙e looking for accurate acne information, best to see a dermatologist. Some people believe doctors are predisposed to take the easy way to deal with acne鈥?prescription drugs. But, with many, this simplistic answer may not be the appropriate course of action. Some feel that such prescription drugs just treat the symposium and not the underlying cause. But, a local dermatologist is still your best starting point.

    For me personally, I discovered a great informational acne treatment site. Not only is there good information/articles but I got their audio e-book and following it鈥檚 advice can now say that my acne is a thing of the past! Keep in mind, were all different and there are various types of acne, so what works for some may not be totally effective for all.

    Bottom line, hang in there, you will get past this! Sincere best wishes and good luck.

    Oh, by the way the site that helped me is:



    This works for me. Avoid sugar. Eat raw garlic and only nutritious food. Take one chromium picolinate tablet each day.
    Well I used proactiv for a month, %26amp; it didn't help me out at all. I still had new bumps coming up everyday almost when I was using proactiv.

    Now my face is fully cleared, %26amp; I only get a bump or two every so often. What I do is in the morning run hot water until its very hot then cover the hot water with a rag %26amp; hold it to your face. Do it about twice. Then when your done. Put some aloe vera gel on. Let it dry on it owns. %26amp; go about your business. ( I prefer the ';Fruit of the earth Brand, with no alcohol in it).

    Then at night I do the same thing with the rag %26amp; hot water ( it helps to open the pores up) %26amp; I put on Clean %26amp; Clear PersaGel10.Its recommended by dermatologists. I bought it at walmart %26amp; its in a small white tube.

    And then finally make sure you drink alot of water everyday. That should really help you!
    Its mostly just getting older and growing out of it, unfortunately. I would recommend going to get a prescription if its really bad. Some things to remember though: keep your skin healthy and soft with a hypoallergenic like Cetaphil, if your skin is too dry it seems to make acne worse. Also try to get more sleep if you can and if you sleep on your face try to sleep more on your back. And for some reason eating garlic seems to help as well.

    Any natural treatment for Acne???

    you know, some thing that i can make with things that i have at home..Any natural treatment for Acne???
    The soap you are using is probably making your condition WORSE….

    First STOP using commercial skin care! GO ORGANIC or ALL NATURAL. I had rosacea (red blemishes on the cheeks) until I started using TEA TREE OIL organic soap from: ($3 a bar). It cleared it up in like a week.... and this was something I battled with for YEARS!!!! You can tell the difference right away (like the first time).

    They have tons of ';specialty'; soaps for all kinds of skin problems...antifungal, antiseptic, ACNE, rosacea, psoriasis, rashes, poison ivy, oak and sumac, dandruff, fungal conditions, etc. It even works on problems you ';can't explain';.... If you don't see what you want ASK - they are SUPER helpful... even design a bar for your skin type based on your skin conditions - now that’s not something you find everyday.... They only charged me like $5 bucks a CUSTOM bar just for ';me';....

    You want/need HANDMADE or hand-milled soap made the old fashion way. If not them, then “someone” else who sells handmade organic. Their soaps has GLYCERIN in them (a natural moisture retainer). In STORE bought soap glycerin is sold for profit and replaced with a chemical called sodium lauryl sulfate to add lather which is listed in the encyclopedia as a skin IRRITANT. I know, I couldn’t believe it either, but look it up! This chemical is found in 98% of ALL STORE bought soaps. SCARY, HU? READ THE BACK! (Even the ones claiming to be natural or clean).

    TRUTH be told.... most people DON'T CARE what they use (even if it is a chemical) as long as it smells good....

    BUT (and I’m not trying to sell you on them) the soaps at SANDY CREEK SOAP COMPANY are organic, natural AND eco friendly. S%26amp;H is only $2, and I got my order in like 3 days.

    Best of all they are CHEAP! Most eco friendly products are so expensive you can’t AFFORD to save the world. Hope this helped....

    PS they also have something called acne tonic that might work (look for the green glass bottle)Any natural treatment for Acne???
    The natural acne cure does just that. See below for more information.
    witch hazel
    tea tree oil a natural antiseptic,buy a spot stick at any chemist it works.
  • natural cleansing
  • Acne treatments: How do I get rid of them? Give me products, personal experience, old family things ANYTHING!?

    Anything that has worked for you or you have heard of working will be fantastic WHATEVER, surgery, products, old wives tales anything. Thanks.Acne treatments: How do I get rid of them? Give me products, personal experience, old family things ANYTHING!?
    When I was younger, my dermatologist told me to:

    1. Wash my face with only Dial Gold (no perfumes, which can irritate the skin) -- start by splashing warm water on your face to open the pores, wash with Dial, rinse with warm water, then splash cold water on your face to close the pores. Dry with a clean towel.

    2. Only use white washcloths on face -- the dyes can irritate.

    3. Sleep on a clean, white pillow case every night. You can leave alot of oil on your pillow case.

    It was all kind of a pain, especially the pillow case thing, but I'm happy to say, it did help. And, it's cheaper than alot of other medications.Acne treatments: How do I get rid of them? Give me products, personal experience, old family things ANYTHING!?

    vitamin c

    neutrogena 60 second 2 in1 face wash/mask scrub
    olay facial clenser works great for me and it only costs 4 dallors and it feel like it softens your face while washing it and if u use it morning and night or just night you'll see major improvements!! trust me lol
    Cold Water Therapy.

    Your pores on face are very sensitive to Oil/dust and that causes irritation and hence pimples.

    Close your pores by simply splashing/spraying COLD water on your face.

    Especially soon after

    You get up from bed.

    after a long day marathon.

    You know that your skin needs some cold water

    Try it and let us know.

    P.s. I recommend washing cold water atleast 4 to 5 times in day and 2 times in night for first week and 2 to 3 times a day and 1 time at night after situation subsides.

    Best of luck,

    and also - A happy face can HAVE pimples...
    I have had horrendous acne and now have totally clear skin. My dermatologist put me on doxycycline twice a day and retin-a at night and in about 8 weeks it cleaned it all up and it has remained that way. I swear by this.

    Things that did NOT work for me were proactiv, tea tree oil, the arbonne system for acne.. I tried a lot of things, nothing came close to the results I got with the antibiotic route.
    in the mixed up words of xtina agulaira -- You are beautiful no matter what they say, no words can't bring you down! oh noooooooooooo!
    I struggled with acne for years and I finally found the solution that works for me. We have been fooled, tricked, deceived, and just plain lied to. It's time that someone put a stop to it, and everyone learn the truth!

    Those of us who suffer from acne have usually been given 2 choices and neither of them work:

    1. Over the counter remedies such as cleansers, creams, ointments, etc. These things have been proven over and over again not to work. Why? It does not address the root cause of the problem.

    2. Go see a doctor and or dermatologist. They will generally prescribe prescription drugs which include topicals and or antibiotics. This, too, has been proven over and over again not to work. Why? It does not address the root cause of the problem.

    I found a step-by-step program that cured my acne and it has never come back. It is amazing and doesn鈥檛 use any drugs or doctors. The truth is that acne can be cured鈥f we know the secret the doctors and drug companies don鈥檛 want us to know.

    There is a great website: that has all the details. I really suggest you check it out and see if it works as well for you as it did for me.
    Go to you will find all your answers and much more there
    My derm told me to cut out caffiene, which helps when I can manage it. Drink more water. Don't wash too many times a day or your skin will get dry and then oily. I use a plain sulfur soap that I found on the internet and follow it up with a moisturizer with Benzoil Peroxide in it in the evening, and an apricot scrubbing wash in the morning.

    Unfortunately, he also told me that it's largely genetic, so sometimes you're just out of luck.
    I think you should try ProActive Solution!

    Better self treatment for acne(pimples)??

    Well,I do have terrible acne and I found that my skin type is sensitive skin and it makes me harder to find the right products that I could use to reduce my acne.That is when I tried Clinique 3 Steps Skincare Regime and it really works for my acne and now I have less breakouts after 3 months usage and I only need to work on my scars from my previous acne to improve my skin complexion.Since Clinique 3 Steps works for all skin types,I would recommend you to try this product since it has the basics of skincare regime and work wonders on your skin.However,you could also try these homemade remedies if you want to improve your chance of healing.Good luck trying these at home(:

    Honey Paste-Another easy and effective homemade acne treatment is to make a paste of honey with cinnamon and nutmeg. All you need is about one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and about half of it nutmeg powder. Add some honey to make enough paste to cover the inflammed area completely. Just lie down as honey may dribble down. Wait for 10 to 15 minutes and wash with luke warm water.

    Orange peel-Homemade Acne Treatment using Orange peel has been found very effective. Pound the orange peel with water on a piece of stone and apply to acne affected areas.

    Basil tea-Basil tea like neem is effective in killing bacteria. Drinking it twice a day can do wonders to the skin.

    Coconut Oil-Coconut oil is a cheap and easily available acne solution. Regular use of coconut oil over a period of time helps to clear your skin.

    Lemon Juice-A simple remedy at home for acne: Apply lemon juice regularly to reduce pimples and acne. This has proven beneficial results.

    Well,these are the remedies that work gentle on your skin while getting rid of acne.Hope this helps and great skin wishesBetter self treatment for acne(pimples)??
    If you really want to cure your acne there are two recommended ways that should combined together (if you can afford it) for best results.

    Firstly and more important in my opinion, you must learn how you should fix the internal problem that's causing your acne, not just masking the symptoms or getting relief.

    There are only few good Ebooks and acne cure programs that can teach you exactly how to cure your acne from the inside.

    Where medicine has failed them the authors have done their own research and found a way to overcome acne. In their guides they share their great knowledge with other acne sufferers. In any case, be very careful because many of them are pure crap with little value.

    You can find honest and comprehensive review about the best programs in the market today in this helpful article:

    The second thing that you need to do is to get good acne skin product that will be suitable for your skin.

    There are many acne skin care products available in the market right now and it's not easy to choose the product that will give you the best results.

    When choosing your product make sure to check that you get at least 2 months full guarantee. Some of the big names in the industry are:

    ClearPores, Acuzine, Acnezine, Proactiv, Vilante and some others.

    You can find useful and helpful information about the leading acne skin care products here:

    I hope that these tips will help you to get rid of your acne, good luck!Better self treatment for acne(pimples)??
    Hello, I'm a doctor. Use accutane. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----%26gt;

    How to reduce acne and pimples within a week? is there any good treatment or product to use?

    sweathea... !

    Below are presented a couple of things you need to do as a part of acne pimples home remedy treatment:


    Gently apply fresh limejuice on pimples and blackheads.


    Dab the mixture made by combining 1 tsp fresh coriander powder and a pinch of turmeric powder on the pimples, while going to bed in the night and wash it off when you wake up the next morning.


    Take a few fresh curry leaves and make a paste. Apply the paste on the acne-affected area and keep it overnight and wash it off with warm water the next morning.


    Apply the paste made of nutmeg (Jaiphal) and raw milk on acne and wash it off after 20 minutes. Do it for about 10-12 days and see the magical effects.

    http://www.acnenaturalremedies.comHow to reduce acne and pimples within a week? is there any good treatment or product to use?
    Consider taking a shower both before you go to bed and as soon as you get up. I use Neutrogena's Deep Clean Scrub in the shower. Maybe even look for a clay mask you can put on and rinse off before bed. I put on Differin cream on my blemishes before bed.

    Also remember to change your pillow case daily! It holds the oils from your face.

    Remember to keep your oils from your hands and hair away from your face as much as possible.

    Also, look for concealers that will cover blemishes but won't make them oilier. Both Clearasil and Neutrogena have a good concealer out.

    If all else fails, go to a dermatologist and they'll give you stronger stuff, both external and internal stuff you can take.How to reduce acne and pimples within a week? is there any good treatment or product to use?
    It depends upon the type of skin and the severity of your acne and pimples.

    Disciplined life style, food, exercise and apart from this, consult a dermatologist.
    u will be getting lots of cosmetic in the market for reducing pimples

    i suggest u the best is to drink lots of water

    take roughage containing diet ,prevent from constipation

    wash your face many times .

    try it you will get the result
    Apply fresh mint juice every night to treat acne and pimples as this is a good home remedy for acne.More such solutions at
    smear pizza all over your face, it will take off the grease and oil ... of the pizza