Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Best treatment for acne?

I tried zapZyt and it worked really well but im wondering if any Neautrgena products work really well. My skin isnt that bad.Best treatment for acne?
Try ProactiveBest treatment for acne?
they work but they aren't kaboom it's great. they do work!
vary wat u use and make test runs, becuz over time somthing that worked at first will not work so much. the best thing, honestly, is to get it picked. but don't pick it urself, look for estheticians or dermatologists in ur area!
clean and clear acne gel. i dont remeber exactly what its called but its clear like a gel and you put it on the zit, but you cant see it. it would get rid of my zits within 2 days. [but i barely have acne, so it might be easier to clear up my skin] i guess it depends if you get zits once in a while or if u have bad acne. if you do have bad acne, go to your dermatologist. thats what my friend did who had pretty bad acne, and now it is clearing up because of the special medicine he gave her. hope i helped! xoxo
For me its proactive, but it really depends on the person. One of my friends skin got even worse by using proactive, so it really depends on your skin.

I'd say...If you want the best treatment, wash your face 2-3 times a day with hot water, and cut down on oily food!
i have been using proactive and it has helped me.. i had very bad skin to the point that i liked like my face was red all the time...i got proactive make up to and the whole proative stuff and it helped mr skin alot
thing called natures cure
Acutane-- only prescribed by a doc or Proactive solution!!
Proactiv can actually make your skin worse so be careful. Drink lots of water, and try a procedure called microdermabrasion. It's costly but works!
a change of diet, along with using antibacterial soap :)
  • natural cleansing
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