Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Please recommend an acne spot treatment that will work in less than 48 hours!?

In need of help! I am going to visit family tomorrow for about a week. On Sunday I discovered a massive pimple on my chest.. I've been using Benzoyl Peroxide for 4 days but it hasn't improved at all. Almost all of the shirts that I wear are V-necks, and I don't want to have to wear crew necks for a week just to cover up my pimple. Can you reccommend a spot treatment that is VERY fast acting? If you can swear by it, I will get in my car and go to Walgreens ASAP. I am desperate. Thanks!!Please recommend an acne spot treatment that will work in less than 48 hours!?
For a big pimple filled with pus...

Soak a washcloth in warm water and press it into the spot. My dermatologist recommended it for my face. :PPlease recommend an acne spot treatment that will work in less than 48 hours!?
well the best thing I have been told is, and you are gonna think I'm crazy but go to your nearest dollar store and get the kids (ELMORES glue) it is the best on face and skin course if you have lots of hair there it could pull them out. let it set in and dry then just peal it off. I swear its the best thing at least on your face making the acne and tightening up your face. plus its never broke me out and its the cheapest...
You have 2 options...

a) Witch Hazel (in the UK we have a brand called Witch - Not sure if you guys have it, but im sure you can buy straight Witch Hazel - It comes in a lotion) which stops redness and swelling then add lots of cover up, foundation and powder over the area.

b) stick a band-aid over it and if you get any questions tell them you got scratched by a cat/dog/animal etc.

Good luck though!
a small amount of antibiotic cream or calamine lotion
are you sure it's not a nipple?

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