Monday, August 23, 2010

What's a good treatment for acne.?

anythingWhat's a good treatment for acne.?
I really liked proactiv.What's a good treatment for acne.?
I use Spectro Jel to wash my face, it works great and doesn't dry my skin. Spectro Jel can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Generally, products with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid work best for acne. Using oil-free moisturizer also helps.
acne-free...its exactly like get it at walmart for 20.00 comes with 3 potent acne cleaners in the kit ...please try it...i saw great results
i use Acnezine..
If its bad acne go and see a dermatologist ad he/she will prescribe you medication which will clear it up
clean %26amp; clear acne stuff, it'll be gone in like 2-3 days (worked for me)

  • makeup brush
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