Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What are good acne treatments?

I'm getting really desperate here. I've had my acne since third grade(totally unfair). And it hasn't gotten any better!! I've tried a lot of different things...like clearasil, clean and clear, and proactive. Proactive lied. That was a disappointment. None of this helps at all and I'm so lost. I hate my acne and I feel like that's all anyone looks at. I know this isn't true, but I'm so concerned, even though it's not severe. Please does anybody know any good acne treatments?? I'm desperate!What are good acne treatments?
I use Continuously Clear. Its a product from HSN.com. They have adult regimen or youth. It is comparatively priced and works GREAT. I have had acne issues when I hit my mid 20's now I am in my 30's. This is the first product that has kept me clear. It does make your skin freak out at first but it is an adjustment period for your skin. Usually happens the first week. Stick with it and your skin will look AWESOME.What are good acne treatments?
It's difficult to say what would work on you when I don't know what you've tried. Also everyone's skin is different and while one treatment might work miraculously on one person, it could actually make another person's acne worse.

My advice would either be to see a dermatologist. If you can't afford that, determine your skin type and get a cosmetic product that is specifically designed to treat that skin type. When I was 13 or so, I got my skin type analyzed and found a product to clear up my skin at a department store's cosmetic area. I don't know if all department stores do it but I'm pretty sure that they do.

Also, I would recommend that whatever you find, use consistantly. If the product bottle says ';use daily'; on it, don't use it one day, skip a few days, and then use it another day. Keep up with your treatments. Also, don't use the product too much. Overuse of the product can actually irritate your skin and make your acne worse.

You also might want to make some adjustments to your diet. You might want to increase your water intake to flush out the bacteria in your acne. Just make sure that you towel off whenever you sweat. Also, eat more fruits and vegetables. If you absolutely can't get that extra serving in, try adding a multivitamin if you aren't taking one already.

How old are you?

You should go to your doctor and try antibiotics or some other form of oral acne medication, or he can prescribe a prescription cream that may work well for you.

Hopefully it works for you. I know how horrible it is. I went on a really strong medication called Accutane twice, and it made a huge difference but I still break out at times.
Defiently see a dermatologist.

My cousin seemed to have a similar case and after getting prescription's from the doctor, it really did clear up!

Proactive is so-so for me too...i'd try a dermatologist!

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