Saturday, July 24, 2010

Acne scar treatment???


I am currently taking antibiotics to improve my acne, and this has worked really well, but now I am left with multiple scars especially on my forehead. I'm just wondering if anyone knows of any good treatments for this (non surgical), that dont cost loads!!

I've heard of vitamin E, does this work?? or bio oil, I'm not sure!!!

Thanks, Jo :)Acne scar treatment???
Yes, I just had a facial done the other day at the spa and the estheticain told me to get vitamin C oil or some zinc serum and apply it to the scars before going to bed. She gave me a website to order these products although they are kind of pricey. Its The esthetician told me to use this for two to three months and see if I notice a difference. The scars will not completely heal, they will just fade dramatically. I have been breaking open a vitamin E capsule and applying it nightly until I can order the products. She said this would work just as well. Also, bio-oil has been recommended as well.

Hope this helps,Acne scar treatment???
Hey.. Acne scar treatments require that a person's skin is free of active acne, so if you still break out you will have to address that first. Read through the Regimen for advice on what to do to get your skin clear. Once it is clear, you can decide whether an acne scar treatment is right for you. Opinions are mixed on the efficacy of these treatments however.. People experience different types of scarring from acne, and every person is left with different facial topography. Therefore, acne scar treatment must be addressed on a case by case basis. No single treatment is right for everyone. You and your dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon will have to decide what is right for your type of acne scarring. Since getting rid of acne scars is a complex process, often several of the treatments listed above will have to be combined to produce the best results. For example, punch techniques followed by laser acne treatments is common. Ice pick acne scars might require undermining the acne scars (subcision) followed by injections (augmentation). It is not uncommon to see more than two procedures combined as well. Basic research into how acne scars are formed and how they respond to treatment is very limited. It has not been a well treated condition in the past. However, new treatments are helping. Make sure you see before and after pictures of your doctor's previous patients, and be realistic about results......... Hope I helped :).
i have the same problem. i talked to my dermatologist and she just said that it will go away maybe in a year. just don't pick on pimples
Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day.

Take a multi-vitamin, vitamin C, and Magnesium.

This is what I do, and my acne scars look better everyday. As long as they aren't deep like holes they usually go away in about six months, but I would imagine if you take steps towards helping them go away that would speed up the process!

I did rub Vitamin E Oil on my face everyday before I washed my face, for a few weeks (before I ran out of Vitamin E) and I did notice the scars diminishing, so you could always try.

Good Luck! :)
try clinique sparkle skin, it works amazing on my acne and acne scars

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