Monday, July 26, 2010

What is the best treatment for acne?

you may think i'm crazy, but this seriously works for everybody i know that has tried it...


seriously, the body has an incredible way of managing itself. we try to make our faces less oily or more moist and less this or more that, and in doing so we mess up the natural balance our bodies are born with (using makeup screws with the balance too) so, if you do absolutely nothing to your face it will seriously clear up. simply wash your face with water (distilled if you are serious) and nothing else, unless of course you have some nasty oil slick across your face from working on an engine or something. just use water. plain old water... also try not to touch your face too much, and don't pop pimples, they will go away on their own. once in a while you get one or two, but that is normal human biology, you just have to live with a couple every once in a while

i'm not joking, this will seriously help you... and if it doesn't you haven't wasted any money on a product that didn't work, and you certainly cant do any harm at all either...What is the best treatment for acne?
Proactiv, tanning, thats about itWhat is the best treatment for acne?
eat healthy, wash face everyday with oil-free cleaner. all face cleaners work the same though. i never tried this but try proactive.
Washing your face, keeping hair clean, and eating healthier foods.
Nature's Cure
use benzac for the day and differin for the night,do wash your face,preferably any good acne soaps that are available in the pharmacy before you apply these substances on your face.
I had really bad cystic acne as a teenager and the only thing that worked for me was Accutane. Re: Diet and keeping skin clean: that is a contributing factor for some people, but I always had a healthy diet and my dermatologist actually told me that I OVERcleansed. Acne is not always a hygiene-related issue. It is tied to genetics, stress, and overactive sebaceous glands.
washing your face at least two times a week then using an astrigent clean%26amp;clear is very good and using the breakout moisterizer to prevent further breakouts. one more at home treatment is grinding up potatoes and putting it on your face like a mask sleep with it then in the morning it should be hard and dry it will clean and open up your pores sometimes pulling out blackheads. sounds crazy but it works
i use nutrogena 2 in 1 foaming pads and also nutrogena's acne wash you see a diffrence within a week using these products theyre really good i also drink alot of water
proactive!! and also stop eating fast food!!
I have taken a pill called Septra DS that seems to work really well, and the side effects listed where minimal. I didnt experience any of them. Your doctor may have to prescribe it though.
Depending on your age there may be varying reasons for the acne. But regardless of age, eliminating sweets and simple carbohydrates (such as bread and pasta) from your diet will benefit your skin. In addition, drink at least 8-10 cups of pure water every day.
Avoid any kind of dairy. Avoid white bread. Avoid sugary beverages and then...

Here's Your Acne Cure Harry Potter;i=鈥?/a>
Like someone said, try taking proactiv. But from my experience, I took everything. From clearasil to generic products, nothing worked...well, fast enough. So what I did was I took a face towel and warm it up with hot water and rub it on my face every morning and night before I go to bed. Also, I tried making a strong effort to not touch my face (only rare times when my hands were clean). For a week and a half, I started seeing results. From then on, I put cocoa butter on my face every night and my face has been smooth since. I recommend it to you since it also has worked for my friends. Word of advise, DO NOT POP YOUR PIMPLES. It leaves everlasting scars.
  • natural cleansing
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