Monday, July 26, 2010

Best acne scar treatment?

acnes finished have a good few scars tho remaining these are not severe but i wont them gone they are mainly on my forhead and cheeks and im just wondering which procedure would be best microdermabrasion laser treatment or chemical peel or even a combination of these i would like to know if you had them done and if so were u happy with the results plz give me ideas i am willing to spend any amount to fix the problem tnxBest acne scar treatment?
there is no proven efficacious therapy for acne scars ,Best acne scar treatment?
I would say none of the above. Buy a small bottle of Vitamin E 28,000 Units (Walmart). Apply a teensy teensy bit on the area 3 times a day. In 6 weeks more or less it should be gone. Be faithful with it. I've used this myself. Vit E goes thru the skin and heals the tissue as well. For convenience when going out, a vit E capsule in a bit of saran wrap can be put in your pocket and you can bite the capsule and squeeze a little on your zit(s) wherever you happen to be. Rewrap the capsule and stuff it back in your pocket to be used again later when you want to squeeze more on. Vitamin E is the best thing for scars and burn scars.

Hint regarding acne: Many people are unknowingly allergic to the iodine in salt. Buy kosher salt in a big box on the salt aisle. Replace all the salt in your house immediately when you find this is the culprit. Kosher tastes much better too. Rinse all canned goods in a mini collander before cooking and add your own kosher salt when cooking it. Beware Packaged stuffing has salt in it too. Learn to read labels. Iodized salt is a major acne culprit and generally the cause of acne. It's also in chocolate. Dark chocolate is a no-no. Try milk chocolate products, there's less salt), ice cream, chips and most packaged foods. People think they are allergic to chips etc. It is really the iodine in the salt. Dermatologists won't tell you because they make tons of money on meds (I know I've been to many, only to find out 25 years later that it was iodized salt all along. Grrrr.). Kosher salt has no iodine. Surprise surprise.

When you first get an outbreak, put enough rubbing alcohol on the zit many times during the day to dry it out. Apply again before bed. If the zit is real small, a nightime application alone sometimes does the trick. The faster you dry it out and get rid of it the better before it gets big.

When making popcorn, I use air popper and put extra light olive oil and tons of kosher salt on it. Yum yummmm. I keep a small container with a lid of kosher salt in my car so when I go to restaurants I slip it in my pocket and use my own stuff. French fries? You can eat it if you request a fresh batch be made up with no salt. Then sprinkle your own kosher on it.

Make sure anything you ingest, including oil, has no canola oil in it. Read the labels on EVERYTHING. You'll be surprised to find what has canola oil in it now. Canola is Toxic to the liver in humans and animals. It is a petroleum byproduct. Made in Canada.

Good luck.

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