Monday, July 26, 2010

Acne and treatment?

Lemon juice...toothpaste..equate acen treatment, any work? Also when I go to the dermo again whats should I recommend? ive used md forte, diferen, everclean, retinal, (spelling) dorex, tetrocyclin, minocyclin..Acne and treatment?
Acne is a serious problem and it is not fun!

The skin problems on my face and back started when I was only fifteen years old. Like an ugly shadow, it would follow me around for the next ten years.

I lived the everyday hell you are currently going through enduring the 'pizza face' and 'greaser' name calling, and harassment that goes along with being a kid who has acne all the way up into my adulthood. People can be very cruel.

I did everything you have tried as well. I tried lotions, creams, pills, sea salts, and mud packs. I sweated out my looks before dates, parties, and special events.

I even hated having my picture taken. Acne made me look and feel ugly. I got so frustrated with my skin I once slapped my own face in total disgust!

“What was wrong with me?” I asked myself over and over again. “Why me? When will this ever go away?”

I felt angry, hopeless, and gross. I watched in horror as small acne scars began to accumulate on my face.

I would have to carry 'the badge' of this disease for the rest of my life, just like the other people I had seen that had it. Something had to be done.

I spent thousands of dollars pursuing a cure visiting the top dermatologist I could find. When his recommendations failed, I went to another dermatologist and then another. Always the acne stayed and the breakouts kept coming without any worthwhile relief.

It defied every one of their recommendations, their expensive prescriptions, treatments with over-the-counter products, the ongoing six a.m. antibiotic regimen that created nausea beyond belief, and even Accutane - the so called ';Miracle Drug';.

Acne was NOT my friend. After ten years of this constant emotional battle, I finally found a different and viable solution to this common problem. It was quite a journey to uncover something that really worked and I must admit, I was very skeptical at first when I tried it.

I truly didn't think I would EVER get rid of the acne that had tormented me for so long. However, I desperately wanted to feel better about myself and I wanted the acne GONE - so, I gave it my hardest try.

After just three days, I woke up and made the slow walk to my bathroom mirror. I walked in half asleep, almost stumbling, and with my eyes closed. As I opened them, my jaw dropped to the floor!Acne and treatment?
i tried everything.. and i made quite a few visits to my dermatologist; yet the only thing that worked for me is proactive! but if you do use this, you must be very loyal to it and can't skip days.. stay consistent!.. also, don't let the booths in malls or other stores fool you.. i paid $170 at one of those and then a week later a FREE offer came in the mail! good luck.
for the treatment of acne please get up early morning 5am.wash face frequently with fresh fresh %26amp;seasonal fruits.take vit c tab. not eat fats cold drinks,choclates.take doxycycline 100mg. daily for one month.mild exercise for half an hour daily.get relaxed.nothing else to be done.
I've tried everything too...even proactive and I still break out. Proactive may help for you, since everyone is different. I don't think that there is an actual cure for acne but you can control it by using a face wash for acne, and keeping your skin moisturized by using an oil-free moisturizer.

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