Saturday, July 24, 2010

Severe Acne-FRee treatment system?

Ibought , i have moderate-bad acne, oily skin that is not easily dried out, is it too potent and should i stick to the lower grade bzp level one (Norm acne free system) this product is new by the way.Severe Acne-FRee treatment system?
you might want to try it, but if it dosent make a difference, go to a dermatologist before you scar. i'm dealing with the scars now and i wish i would have gone to the derm a lot sooner. Very best of luck, acne is toughSevere Acne-FRee treatment system?
Hey Charles,

You might want to consider trying some more natural methods of fighting your acne. Attacking the problem from the inside out is usually more effective than just treating the surface issues. In the long run, it can even be cheaper since you won't have to keep buying product after product.

You may be able to find even more helpful acne treatment information by visiting

Hope That Helps,


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