Saturday, July 24, 2010

Clean & Clear Advantage Acne Spot Treatment...?

Hi, I was wondering if anyone has had success with the above product. I bought it today and am hoping it works. Any suggestions and/or stories?Clean %26amp; Clear Advantage Acne Spot Treatment...?
I bought it after I fell for the commercial. It promised that it would make a pimple look less red and smaller in just 24 hours. I tried it and it did not work for me. I didn't notice any difference. I prefer Clearisil Vanishing Acne Treatment Cream. It helps a lot.

It all depends on your skin. Most skin products are the same but just contain different amounts of Salicylic Acid and Benzoyl Peroxide. The Clean and Clear is 2% Salicylic Acid. I use the Clearisil with 10% Benzoyl Peroxide.

High levels can dry some people's skin out and make their skin red. But then again low levels might not have any affect. I suggest trying Clean and Clear for about a week and see if you notice any change. Then you will know if you should try something else or stick with that. Good luck!Clean %26amp; Clear Advantage Acne Spot Treatment...?
it works somewhat. I defiantly recommend that you

A. use other Clean and Clear products and try not to use different brands (which basically means don't use an OXY wash and a Clear and Clear advantage use a Clean and clear wash.ect)

Also if you have bad acne it will go away with this product but it will take maybe 5 days, drink plenty of water whatever your condition and you will have beautiful skin soon. Good Luck.
Well,I know this sounds really stupid,but there is this cream call 'triple antibiotic'(You can find this mostly in pharmacies)-it is usually for bruises(and it fights bacteria),but I use it to get rid of blemishes such as pimples.Ok, so this is what I do:

I wash my face with Anti-Bacterial soap at least once a day,and apply the antibiotic cream as if it were a facial mask and leave it on for the rest of the day,but if your going to stay home(Because the cream is transparent and is going to make your face look shiny and you don't want people to be looking at you like your weird,but since I go to school I apply it on when I go to sleep)Do this everyday or atleast twice a week-and I promise you this will work =)

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