Monday, July 26, 2010

I am taking doxcycline for the treatment of acne and it broke my out the first week, will it get better?

It most likely will. Drink lots of water, go swimming at least 3-4 times a week and limit your masturbation.I am taking doxcycline for the treatment of acne and it broke my out the first week, will it get better?
Most acne medications make your acne come out worse when you first try it.I am taking doxcycline for the treatment of acne and it broke my out the first week, will it get better?
i think that u shouldnt becuz it might just make it worse on ur skin sence it already been throw it. also u shouldnt becuz u dont want 2 go throw that same pain again that u just went throw.
idk - but u better watch urself with that stuff - i took it until i found out that it could weaken ur bones - u should research that stuff again - good luck with the break out though
when you got prescribed doxy your doctor should have warned you about acne gettign worse before it gets better! I used that antibiotic too, and my acne got worse and then VERY SLOWLY started getting better.

I got off it though, because it only works while you're using it, and I didn't want to keep using it forever because it also has other side-effects. I use proactiv now, and it really does work, much better than doxy - and no side-effects!

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