Monday, July 26, 2010

Good acne/pimple treatment?

So I have major pimples and some acne, and I'm not aloud proactiv, cause it burned my friend pretty bad, but I'm wondering if there's anything you would suggest? It's really important, because im sooo fed up! And if possible, A product that's available in Canada? Thank you!!Good acne/pimple treatment?
I tried Proactiv, and it was really expensive; It didn't even work for me. I've gone to the doctor and tried several products. I've tried all those girly brand names like Neutrogena-which made my kind even worst. I've been on birth control-didn't help too much.

I've actually found a product to stick to. I was in Walmart, and I had seen commercials for the Acne Free stuff. It sounded fake just by the name, and I really didn't expect it to work, but I bought it anyways for twenty bucks.

It ended up working though! :) One of the major things I did though- I stopped drinking sodas and eating chocolate-or really bad foods. The sodas pretty much worked though-I used to be addicted!

Water and a good intake is the major key!

(That oxy spot treatment works pretty good too!)

Good luck!Good acne/pimple treatment?
Neutrogena! It works really well! Use the Neutrogena wave at night before you go to bed and one of the Neutrogena cleansers in the shower in the morning!

Repeat this every day even when you don't have any pimples and your face doesn't seem dirty! If you miss a night sometimes you get really bad break outs, but this happens with every product out there unfortunately.

P.S- there is on the spot acne control of Neutrogena too! so if you have a pimple that is not going away you can use that!!
Revitol is the best thing that I've found. Try the acne formula. I found it when I was in Europe over the summer and it's really helped. Basically cleared my face up in a few weeks. Here's the link:

hope that helps!
Neutrogena has many acne products. The facial scrubs work well, as do acne washes.
go see a good dermatologist
Clinique works for me.:-)

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