Monday, July 26, 2010

What is the best treatment for acne?

i have alot, but their not like the big nasty ones. im allergic to the benzoyl stuff, i have naturally oily skin, and i tried manny things for years, but have no luck. pleasssse help!! What is the best treatment for acne?
kay proactiv didn't really work for me...i think its a load of bull pies but whatever works for you...

haha anyway...get clinique products, they work really well

You can try some home remedies too (theyre not guaranteed to work, but whatever works, works),so try making a baking soda scrub or an oatmeal scrub with some lemon juice. or try washing your face with salt water. but use moisturizers after because its really drying. and you can try making an avocado scrub. try googling homemade facial scrubs you might get a ton of stuff. but here are the recipes for the ones i listed:

Avocado Facial Mask:

Mash the meat of the avocado into a creamy texture. Apply it thoroughly on face and leave for 15 - 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water, then use cold water to close the pores.

Oatmeal Facial Mask:

Take 2 tsp oatmeal and 1 tsp baking soda and add water to make paste. Apply to face and all over the skin and rub gently.

Baking Soda Scrub:

Mix 1 part water and 3 parts baking soda. Add lemon juice if desired. Leave on for a few minutes, then wash away with warm water.

Salt Water Solution:

Add a tablespoon of salt to a cup of water (add more or less salt depending on how dry it makes your skin). Splash it on your face, and if there are still salt chunks, use that as a scrub. Try using scented bath salts (sea salt), but regular salt will also work.

here's a link to clinique i think it will be helpful:鈥?/a>

take the quiz and it should recomend some products

also make sure you drink a lot of water because i noticed that it made my skin clearer when i did, and i know people think its just a rumor or whatever, but whenever i eat a LOT of chocolate i tend to break out try eating healthier because the nutrients go to your skin and nourish it, and water helps you stay hydrated and you wont need to produce as much oil.

Hope i helped, and best of luck =)What is the best treatment for acne?
I happen to really like the Burt's Bee's products. They're natural and seem to work well. I use the citrus facial scrub, then the facial cleanser and then the blemish stick. I usually only do that once a day but sometimes twice if I think I really need it. My acne isn't too bad but definately bad enough for me to be uncomfortable with it. It has really helped to clear my face up though, so hopefully it will do the same for you.
Never, ever, under any circumstance should you eat anything fatty or greasy. Also, avoid doing anything that makes you sweat. In fact, stay in bed all day and night and watch re-runs of sappy, brainless t.v. series such as ';the OC'; and possibly ';heros';.
acnee free. i have it. its great. get it at cosco!

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