Monday, July 26, 2010

Whats the best treatment for acne?

I highly recommend Proactive. When I first used it my skin was nice and smooth. You should give it a try.Whats the best treatment for acne?
There are various medications that are available in different forms such as pastes, juices or oils. You can even make them at home. Pastes can be made out of various elements such as:

a) honey and cinnamon powder

b) fresh fenugreek

c) roasted and powdered pomegranate skin with lime juice d) sandalwood water e) radish seeds with water

f) orange peel

g) turmeric power etc.

These pastes are usually applied during the nighttime and are retained

for about 15 minutes on the skin or overnight. When it dries, the skin is rinsed with warm water. They are usually appropriate for skin that is affected by whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, andrashes and for skin allergies.…Whats the best treatment for acne?
it depends on your skin and how prone you are to i use a cleanser i got from those places where you get facials, EXERCISE and LOTS OF WATER.i only use the cleanser at night.but i have oily skin so i take a shower in the morning and just rinse my face with a little cooler than warm water throughout the day.jus keep your face clean.ive been trying pure aloe vera.i take it straight from the leaf and put it just where i broke out.this is working for me but were all different so theres no guarantee itll work for you.but you can try it.or the best advice,see a dermatologist.
yeah, go to the dermatologist. nothing is more worth it when you have acne. i went to the dermatologist right away when i started seeing acne signs 2 years ago and they got me on a routine that helped significantly. about 8 months ago, my dermatologist decided i should go on a low dose of accutane (even though my acne wasnt really severe). i went off it 2 months ago (i was on it a total of 6 months) and my skin is perfectly clear (%26amp; also doesnt get oily anymore). its the closest thing they have for an acne cure (accutane) but its hardcore and can only be prescribed by a dermatologist (and it has some gnarly side effects... you can google it).


in any case, get yourself to a dermatologist!

some people swear by proactiv... i am personally allergic to the main ingredient (benzoyl peroxide) so i wouldnt know.
I have seen this kind of question posted many times and the answers that ppl give none if those things work for everyone so go to a dermatologist they know best

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