Monday, July 26, 2010

Any really good acne treatments out there?

Well here the thimg I was washing my face and realized i was breaking out really bad. And i've seen all those ads on tv but i'm not sure if they really work. So wat should I do I really need helpAny really good acne treatments out there?
I had a lot of major acne issues then confindence issues b/c of that. Here's what I use.. I LOVE IT!

1. Morning Scrub:鈥?/a>

2. Nightly Foam Wash/Make-up remover:鈥?/a>

3. After I wash my face in the morning and at night, I use this moisturizer:鈥?/a>

It really only took me 2 weeks, but I was extremely faithful to it. Every day!

Here are some other tips that helped me:

1. TONS of water! 8 cups a day! fulll 8 oz glass ones. I fill a water bottle and then put ice in it, so it's tempting to drink!

2. Keep your hands off of your face as much as possible!

3. Take 1 Flaxseed oil capsules daily. It helped me ALOT! You can buy them virtually anywhere...even grocery stores!

4. Use your fingers....not a washcloth. A wash cloth will aggravate your sensitive skin.

5. ALWAYS take off your makeup at night!Any really good acne treatments out there?
In all honesty, I just use dial soap, and I don't have a single blemish.
acutane. it's the strongest thing there is. you have to talk to your dermo. though.
Make a paste of 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Apply it on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. Repeat for two weeks for permanently clearing acne. Log on to for a few home made tips to heal acne

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