Monday, July 26, 2010

What types of spot treatments for acne are safe to use while breastfeeding?

I know that salacytic acid is not safe...Is benzoil peroxide safe?What types of spot treatments for acne are safe to use while breastfeeding?
Instead of asking here, please contact a local La Leche League Leader. They have access to *expert* information. Most doctors do not!! Anything from Dr. Thomas Hale is as expert as you can get on the subject of drugs and breastfeeding. (See second URL in sources section below.)What types of spot treatments for acne are safe to use while breastfeeding?
The Dr told me I could use Seabreeze and it really helped to clear up my face and it causes no problems to the pregnancy. I used the pads one in the morning and one at night and within a week my face looked much better. Also safe to use while breastfeeding
Here are some REALLY good, and very inexpensive ways to treat most acne at home. Try each method (unless you鈥檙e allergic to the ingredients) until you find one that works best for you. Good luck =) BTW, I know some of these may sound bizarre but try them鈥hat have you got to lose other than the acne!!

1. Put toothpaste on your acne before going to bed. (Make sure it is paste not gel). It should reduce the swelling of acne noticeably.

2. Dab egg whites on your acne and leave on for 20 minutes or overnight. It鈥檚 supposed to pull the infection out of the blemish.

3. Wash acne infected areas twice a day with warm salt water. This reduces oils in the skin and helps to dry the acne up without further agitation.

4. Use ice on acne before going to bed. This works best on pimples that have not yet formed a head. It reduces swelling and helps to prevent scarring.

5. Wash and dab acne with cotton balls that have been soaked in vinegar. Let dry; do not wash off immediately.

6. Place strawberries leaves over your acne and the alkalinity will help to reduce the swelling.
Over-the-counter topical acne medicines containing benzoyl peroxide or salicyclic acid are considered compatible with breastfeeding. Per Thomas Hale, PhD (author of Medications and Mothers' Milk), ';The transcutaneous absorption of both of these drugs is minimal to nil. Peroxides, even if absorbed, would be instantly metabolized in the body and would not be able to reach the milk compartment.';

Proactiv is considered compatible with breastfeeding and is a more preferable acne treatment for nursing moms than oral antibiotics. The active ingredient in the Proactiv products is benzoyl peroxide (see the above paragraph).
Over-the-counter topical acne medicines containing benzoyl peroxide or salicyclic acid are considered compatible with breastfeeding. Per Thomas Hale, PhD (author of Medications and Mothers' Milk), ';The transcutaneous absorption of both of these drugs is minimal to nil. Peroxides, even if absorbed, would be instantly metabolized in the body and would not be able to reach the milk compartment.';

See link below for further information.
  • natural cleansing
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