Saturday, July 24, 2010

Will this treatment work for my acne?

Just been to doctors for a flu that I have and got on to the topic of my acne. I got Oxytetracycline tablets and panOxyl aquagel 5 gel . Has anyone used these before and how have the results been?

PaulWill this treatment work for my acne?
panoxyl is good, when i was a teen i used it a lot.Will this treatment work for my acne?
a definate improvement after these
Find some effective home

treatments for your acne
Be patient as the antibiotics take a couple of months to start working.You should be pleased with the results eventually.
try bio oil u can get from boots ect
yes but also try goats milk it really helps at least a pint a day
I suffered really bad acne for years.I tried everything on the market including Oxytetracycline and to be Honest they didnt work.Then my doctor prescribed something called Stemecin.It worked miracles.I couldnt believe the results and worked almost straight away.Ask your doctor about this.It will change your life. Good luck.
The combination of a tetracycline and a hydrogen peroxide wash is a good one. My only comment is that oxytetracyline which is very cheap and was used extensively in the past, it not used much now as it has been superseded by better drugs.

Normally Lymecycline is tried first, if this is not successful Minocycline is used, Both are more potent than Oxytetracycline, are only once a day and are easier to take since they have no milk interaction.
you are wasting your money. I have acne but most of is gone. I bet you are dehydrated. Drink half of your weight (lbs) of water in ounces. Avoid sugars, high sugar fruits, pork. Eat more vegetables also. For mean time you can use coconut oil. Yes I know it is oily!

Be sure to test it on your hand to make sure you're not allergic to it. It really works and a lot cheaper that the acne creams that stink.

Simply put it on over night. Also you can try dry skin brushing.

Make sure to reduce intake from most oils. Healthy ones are olive oil, flax oil, coconut oil, and fish oil. And don't eat fatty meats .

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