Monday, July 26, 2010

Any Acne treatments that have worked for you?

Does any one know how to have a clean an at home recipe or a product that you have used and it has worked?

I want to clear my skin and I have previously used ProActive and it did not work.

My skin is a little oily and my acne is not that bad...or so I think so...Any Acne treatments that have worked for you?
I could never stress this enough...moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. Trust me...if you keep your skin moisturized, you wont really NEED an acne treatment. Dry skin creates oil to try and keep your skin moisturized and that oil clogs your pores and creates acne. So just stop the process in it's tracks and cure that dry skin!! I use Clean and Clear SOFT OIL FREE Moisturizer. (OIL FREE IS IMPORTANT!) It doesnt just moisturize, it has acne treatment in it...there's one labeled DAY with a SPF of 15 to protect your skin from the sun during the day and one labeled NIGHT that you can wear to bed and when your just at home. It really keeps your skin sooo soft, moisturizes amazingly, and keeps acne at bay and I have oily skin and I LOVE this product! My skin has really improved since I bought can get it at Walmart and its under 6 dollars. Both day and night treatments have lasted me 3 months and they arent empty yet, still! I highly reccomend it! GOOD LUCK!!Any Acne treatments that have worked for you?
Acne product that has worked well for myself and my clients are:

鈥?Timeless Prescription庐 F.A.C.E.鈩?Pads - contains enzymes to emulsify suspended body oils, grease deposits and other contaminants. These little enzyme pads help reduce the host environment that acne and acne-causing bacteria normally grow and it won't irritate your skin. These drug stores acne pads contain either salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide that only provide a temporary solution and might lead to excess dryness or irritate your skin.

I love this stuff, I can't go anywhere without it!鈥?/a>

鈥?Timeless Prescription庐 Anti Blemish Lotion - hep reduce the appearance of pimple overnights, many of my clients love this product!鈥?/a>

鈥?Timeless Prescription 3 step acne care system - That one is pretty good at controlling acne bacteria. Because it releases stabilized and time-released benzoyl peroxide which maintains its potency over time and also moisturize and heal your problematic skin . Unlike Proactiv, which doesn't provide a healing solution thus lead to very sensitive and drying skin.鈥?/a>

But with benzoyl peroxide, the bacteria might get used to it after a while. So it might not be a permanent solution. with acne, you have to find out what the root problem is because it could be internal or external.

鈥?Timeless Prescription庐 PrevaDerm鈩?- some acne are due to internal problem like digestion or hormone. Timeless Prescription庐 PrevaDerm鈩?is an anti-finflammatory and antioxidant product that support the immune system and enhance the body's natural defenses against acne causing bacteria. Unlike prescribed drugs such as Accutane which might cause stomach or skin irritation and/or other side effects, PrevaDerm is a safe supplement to use if you are not allergic to milk.However, you would need to take it for at least 2 months to see improving result. Some people see result faster than others depending on the individuals.鈥?/a>

鈥?Digestive enzyme - Some acne is due to digestion problem. Taking digestive enzyme might help in that area. If you have constipation problem as well, your acne might be a digestive problem. I would recommend the Isotonix line for enzyme due to its superior absorption rate and it also contains probiotics, which is good bacteria to maintain your colon health. I have many customers seeing improvement on acne with a good cleanse of colon and digestive trace.鈥?/a>

If the acne is external problem, you will see result faster when using the above skincare product. If it's internal problem, don't expect it will go away in a few days. Unfortunately, there isn't any magic bullet in the world for acne. Please give it at least 2 months, and be sure to keep it consistently! Because healing takes time.
nope nothing has worked for me. i have dried skin though its trickier so i went to the dermotologist which really helps i just recomment to got there youll see faster results. my sister goes to and she has oily skin and the doctor recommender her acne free oil wash form neutorgena and it worked like a charm for her and other patients.
Try Clear.Now, it really works well. But make sure you follow instructions, or else it gets messed up and use some sun screen that is SPF 15 and protects your face from UVA/UVB rays. Just make sure you apply a good moisturizer/sun screen after you using ANY acne product because when you don't use one, your body produces more oil and you get more acne. Hope I helped! =)
Clean and Clear Acne Control Its just a few dollars no more than $5.

l when And I mix. honey and Cinnamon in a bowl when ever a see a pimple. Or you can use it once a week no More that that cause it may damage your skin.
AcneFree...its a product that i got it at wal-mart for like $20 and it worked for me... it has benzoyol peroxide that works very good..

for home made reciepes go to google and type acne remedies... :)
Hi there,

Dermalogica works for Acne!! Come visit our site at We look forward to serving your Dermalogica needs.
try skin ID it is kinda working for me right now but i have only used it for a month
benzaclin is so awesome it cleared my face up great! but you have to get it prescribed.

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