Saturday, July 24, 2010

Acne!Acne!Acne!...... Some treatment pls.......?

Its different for every person due to our different skin so one company that works for another person may not work for you. Keep in mind that all ';treatment kits'; need about a month to three weeks to really start showing some results so don't panic if you don't get cleared up right away. Little things like washing your face in the middle of the day or buying some toner pads and just giving your face a quick wipe contribute in the long run. Keep your hair out of your face, that one is huge. Acnefree (from Costco) and Proactiv (don't quote me on that spelling, ordered online) and some of the big companies but don't think you have to go with the big guys. Personally Proactiv didn't work for me. Just try a company give some time and do the little things, and if you're a guy don't get sucked into that whole stupid thing where guys don't want to put stuff on their face and be girly. Its very important, once you have a routine TO DO IT EVERY NIGHT skipping even one day can have bad results. Also don't overload on the medication, it causes dry skin which can cause more acne. Hope this helps :)Acne!Acne!Acne!...... Some treatment pls.......?
What the skin needs is a product that clears pores and kills bacteria, thus preventing hair follicles from clogging and turning into acne. This is what you should be looking for if you want to get rid of those ugly acne.

Before trying any treatment, I suggest you read this informational source that listed the most effective acne treatments available:

Good luck ;-)Acne!Acne!Acne!...... Some treatment pls.......?

I actually found a facial oil that slows down your skins oil production, clears up pimples/ acne and dissolves black heads within 4-8 weeks I put all the info on my blog as it's quite detailed:

I also put a full article of how to extract blackheads and steam your skin.

Black heads are basically a hardened oil mixture that was secreted from your pores and oxidized (which makes the outside part black) and since water and oil don't mix, no water based product can ';clean'; your blackheads away, just try say putting certain foundations or makeups on the mirror and if you wipe it with water it smudges all over but put a little baby oil and wipe and tada! it comes off super clean AND dissolves it. So this is basically how this oil works. It's composition is such that the skin accepts it as a healing oil and it does not clog your skin but rather protects it while the plant extracts inside go down into the pores (this absorption is made possible by applying the toner to the skin before applying the oil and then applying the dabs of oil over your moistened face), it then penetrates into the pores.

I put where to the name of the oil and prices in stores versus on eBay as well as how to apply it on my blog:

Take care and good luck!

Proactive is very expensive. I got very good results with the program I've been using for the past 5 or 6 years. After about 40 years of bad skin and trying everything under the sun - I'm finally acne-free, have a much more even skin tone, and have reduced the fine lines and superficial scarring.

Hope this helps - Good luck to you!
standard treatment is 2.5% benzoyl peroxide and retin-A micro. for more options and natural alternatives goto
Having a need to be treated, severe acne problems torment many teens as well as older men and women. Don't wait to become one of them! There are many treatments available, some of which may come as a surprise to you. If you have been wanting to research different treatment options, I believe鈥?/a> offers what will work best for you.
ProActiv works wonderfully. Don't take accutane as it will deplete the calcium in your body and destroy your teeth. I'm not sure if they still sell that stuff or not.
Hi there!

the 1st thing that you can try is an over-the-counter cream of gel formulated with benzoyl peroxide. It works by mildly irritating the skin, which encourages dying skin cells to flake off. This helps reopen clogged pores. In addition, benzoyl peroxide also kills the bacteria that infect clogged pores.

Besides that, you may also try tea-tree oil on blemishes to discourage infection and speed healing. You should dab a drop of tea-tree oil on your acne three times a day, for effective healing.

For other natural remedies for acne treatment, you can read abt them here:
order proactive . Or put lemon on crusted aspirin mix it together, than put it on the pimple. it works for me. ^-^
Acne is one of the most distressing and depressing problem. Soak cotton wool in mint juice, and apply every day. Mix cinnamon powder with lime juice to make a fine paste, Apply on the spots and wash when dry .Check out for more useful info.
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