Monday, July 26, 2010

What are good acne treatments?

i have really bad acne and i want to get rid of it for good. the problem is, i dont know what will work and what wont. i dont want to waste money on all the acne treatments, or make it worse!What are good acne treatments?
Your right about not wanting to waste buku bucks for things that don't work. See a skin doctor if you haven't yet.


1, good handwasing. wash your hands with soap and water often. even when you think your hands are clean because you touched nothing, your hands are coated with bacteria.

2. don't touch your face. you do it a lot more than you think. Permanent scarring and make the skin pores larger (causing craters).

3. stop thinking about them. this will make you breakout more.

4. pillow cases should be cleaned often made of cotton. your skin needs to breathe.

5. drink lots of water throughout the day.

6. keep your hair short and neat. pin them back so it doesn't touch your face. hair is filled with dirt, bacteria, and oil.

7. if you have a zit that's big and red, apply some toothpaste. the toothpaste does not get rid of the pimple but it stops it from geting any larger. apply lightly if you're not at home. don't forget to rinse off the toothpaste when you go out. apply toothpaste at bedtime.

apply neosporin to any broken skin twice a day.

8. don't feel sorry for yourself. this will destroy your self esteem. besides, being self conscious will increase your stress level.

9. acne is for those who are young. think about the people who are middle aged and no longer have their youthful strong body and sagging skin. acne means your hormones are in action, not disappearing.

10. think about people who have had their face melted by the atomic bomb, explosions, acts of violence, burns, etc. your acne is a phase. for these people, it's a curse. they would rather have acne anytime of the day instead of their damaged faces.

11. lastly, don't clean your face too much. the soaps will strip away the oil but in turn, your face will produce more oil to comensate, making your acne problem bigger. i wash my face with plain warm water twice a day, dove soap twice a day.

use a clean soft towel and pat dry your face. don't try scrubbing off your acne. you will spread the germs.

if there is any break in the skin, apply a small amount of neosproin twice a day.

Good luck!What are good acne treatments?
Hey Stevye,

I used to have acne like super bad, but I found this blog haha( I bookmarked it lol ) and got the acne free product he recommends and my acne literally disappeared

It was crazy. The product i bought had a money back guarantee which is kinda cool too. I think it's like $25 or so lol not bad

Anyway, I hope that helps!

Go to your doctor and have them prescribe you some pills, i just started mine a week ago and i see slight improvment but they say it takes a month for you to see good improvement, i have a feeling its gonna work.. do it! or if your not into the whole pill thing try ACNE FREE, Cheaper than Proactive and in my opinion works better
well...I use neutrogena acne wash because it doesnt dry my skin out as much and i have sensitive skin.....but..i dont have really bad acne....i would suggest like proactiv and clean and clear if u want fast and good results...
Try Proactive it works.
Dry Duac Once Daily Gel. You can get it from your doctor. It really works !
Acnezine did the trick for me. Also I use a mixture of soy milk and yoghurt to soothe it. It doesnt clear it up any bit but certainly soothes the skin for a few hours.

Good info and audios here on acne
There are a variety of ways to treat acne and many acne sufferers have found that the natural types of acne treatments can be effective at helping to stop your acne and no negative side effects.Log on to for a few home made tips to heal acne .
I have tried tons of stuff including proactive. The best solution I have found is to use a mild soup a LOT of benzoyl peroxide and moisturizer. I know it sounds simple but it works really well and doesn't cost a fortune. You will go through a ton of b.p. so I just purchase the store brand.

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