Monday, July 26, 2010

Do u think dat laser treatment for removing mole n for removing acne frm my face would be safe?

i m gal of 20 yrs.n my skin is vry oily ,having acne problem n havings lots of little little moles near my nose.plz tell me wat should i do?:(Do u think dat laser treatment for removing mole n for removing acne frm my face would be safe?

No need to use this as your age is not in that kind of supportive.

Regarding the acne:-

1. Drink 7-8 lit water daily.

2. Stop eating fat/cheese/spicy/oily food.

3. Take fruits instead of above mentioned food.

In just 1week u can see result.

Bye %26amp; Tc

MayankDo u think dat laser treatment for removing mole n for removing acne frm my face would be safe?
I know of your problem! Can you browse for the anatomical figure to pin point? There you will get all the help from the experts who are waiting to help you. Surprised?
No dont do can have negative effect on ur skin...better consult a dermatologist and seek his advice.
You're 20 and you're still typing like this?

I think it'll work. Give it a shot.

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