Saturday, July 24, 2010

Acne scar treatment?

My friend just signed up for a treatment to remove his acne scar.

The cost is $2588 for 11 treatment together with some product.

I kinda felt it was overcharged and told him that he shld just quit it once his ance is gone.

So after the how many treatment will the scar be gone?

3rd or 4th?

supposely his ance are only mild case.Acne scar treatment?
it is very hard to remove scars from acne... some pills may work (ask your Dr. dermatologist about it)... some go thru lazer treatment that cost soo much and doesnt always work... it is better that you just wash face regularly to clean all dirts and impurities.. then put aloe vera on face to help heal..!!! may take a lil longer though its cost of plant or even FREE!!!!!!!! remember aloe straight from the plant itslef is ALWAYS more efficiant!!!Acne scar treatment?
yo i am going throug the same thing

but I just drink LOTS OF WATER
ok first he got ripped off thats soo true..

if its a mild case then he could of gotten clearsil acne scar care.. it workes great for up to moderate amounts

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