Thursday, July 22, 2010

I have used proactiv and all the other over the counter acne treatments and none work to clear my face up?

what should I use, thats not super expensive?I have used proactiv and all the other over the counter acne treatments and none work to clear my face up?
Hmm... Really? Well, I'd suggest Clearasil but if you've already tried that, then I think that it's best to go to a dermatologist and ask him/her what is up with your skin and get some prescription lotions or facial cleansers. Hope I helped!I have used proactiv and all the other over the counter acne treatments and none work to clear my face up?
what kind of soap do you use? The problem is that your pores produce a lot of sebum. Sebum is the natural oil that your glands produce in order to keep your skin soft. In some people, it over does it. my boyfriend had the same problem. He asked a dermatologist that we worked with. He said that a soap, such as Lever 2000, would help keep your skin drier. Using products with any type of moisturizer would only make matters worst.
The products you are using, are they salycic acid or benzolyl peroxide? BP can be VERY drying. I personally like SA better. Almost all washes have it. They try finding a face lotion with it in it. Clean and clear has a good moisturizer with SA and it helps keep pimples at bay. Personally, I use Biore products (which you get over the counter. Their products range from $5-$10). They are harsh on pimples, but not on your face. I think you will just need to experiment with products until you find what works for you. Remember, it can take 1 month for products to fully begin working!

Personally, Proactive didn't work for me. I have been using Biore products for over a year and I hardly ever break out! Occasionally I will get one or two, but nothing bad. For body acne I use Neutrogena acne body wash I never break out on my body. It gets 110 in summer so sweat in inevitably, yet I never break out. Give it a try. All of it is cheap too. About $5-10 depending on what you buy! Salysic acid it really good. It is in almost all acne washes. Benzoyl Peroxide is too drying fo rme! Good luck!
Well what u can do is manage a skin routine.First use a daily cleanser than u can alternate days use a non alcholic toner and than some sunscreen and u need to wash ur face every 3 hours gap and take care that it doesnt turn oily dont break ur acne and avoid spreading it all over the face.

Try doing this for a month u will surely get a difference and use turmeric and haldi paste everyday at night
Try Murad. If that doesn't help, it's time to see a dermatologist. You can also do a search for natural acne treatments/remedies. There are many online sources. Or try a natural/organic store. They have good options for skincare that aren't available at drugstores.
try home remedies.

Remedy 1: Vitamin E

Try applying vitamin E to the scarred area three to four times daily to help reduce its visibility. If you keep at it, you should see some results after one to two weeks. It takes a long time before you get really noticeable effects.

Remedy 2: Tomato

Placing slices of tomato on your skin can act as an astringent to break up oil, lift away dead skin and help prevent acne. The pulp of the tomato has the strongest astringent properties.

Remedy 3: Toothpaste

Apply a dab of toothpaste on your pimple before bed. This is useful for new pimples, especially big ones. Whenever I spot a new pimple, I try this. Usually the next morning, it will be dried out enough to pop on its own.

Remedy 4: Honey and pearl

A useful facial pack for acne is honey and pearl powder.

Apply a mask of it for 15 minutes. If you can keep doing it every week, your skin will become lighter and smoother.

Remedy 5: Lemonsf

Lemon juice is effective in lightening the dark spots left by acne and pimples.

First, cleanse the scarred area with water. Soak up a teaspoon of lemon juice with a cotton ball and smooth it over the marks. Leave the juice in place for ten minutes, then rinse.

Be careful how often you use lemon juice: it can have the side effect of making your skin light sensitive. Make sure to cover treated areas with sunscreen before going outdoors.

Remedy 6: Tea tree oil

Some medications made from natural ingredients, such as rosehip seed oil and tea tree oil, will not only help to heal scars, but also significantly work to prevent future scarring.

Remedy 7: Fruits

In addition to eating fresh fruits to supply your skin with collagen-building vitamin C, you can also smear them onto your face as an acidic exfoliant.

Puree a quarter cup of pineapple and smooth it onto your face. Leave it in place 10-15 minutes, then rinse.

Pineapple contains ascorbic acid which helps brighten the face and fade acne. Apple works similarly. Soak a slice of apple in hot water till soft, then apply it to any scarred areas. Leave it for 20 minutes, and then rinse.

Remedy 8: Leeks

Peel the membrane from white are of the leek while watching TV or resting. Place a peeling over scarred areas for ten minutes every day. You can secure it with a bandage to keep it from falling off. Keep this up for a few weeks and you'll see the color fade a lot.

Remedy 9: Ginger

After cleaning your skin, cut a few slices of fresh ginger and apply to the affected area for 20 minutes. You'd better do this laying down, otherwise the ginger may fall off. It might burn a little, but probably not too much. The ginger may leave behind a bit of redness after you removeit, but don't be too worried. Just wipe off and have a good rest. In the morning, the scar should become smooth, and will hopefully fade completely within two weeks.

Remedy 10: Granulated salt and sugar

Some netizens said granulated salt and sugar are useful. Personally, I prefer sugar. After washing your face, mix some sugar and water in your hand and rub your face for two minutes, then rinse.

The best treatment is prevention. You should try to prevent acne from ever forming. Below are some ways to reign in the red bumps:

1. Include green, leafy vegetables and fruits in your diet. Drink a lot of water to to regularly to flush out toxins, and don't forget to drink a glass before breakfast to flush out the stomach. Avoid deep-fried snacks.

2. Try to have at least one bowel movement per day.

3. Get to bed before 11pm. You have to give your body enough rest time or it won't heal. Don't snack before bed

4. Don't use a computer any longer than you need to, and keep your phone a distance from your bed. Theradiation both put out can have noticeable effects on your skin.

5. Change your bedsheets and pillow covers often. Those areas are like magnets for dead cells, dander, mites and dust - all of which can cause an acne breakut. Some skin experts even recommend changing pillow cases daily.

6. Resist the urge to pop your pimples. It can cause even more damage to the skin and worsen scarring. Resist the temptation!

7. If you get acne on your body, try not to wear tight clothes that will prevent your skin from breathing. You may want to avoid scarves, headbands and caps which can also collect dirt and oil.

Lastly, don' expect scars to vanish overnight. The ultimate remedy to remove acne scars is persistence. Be confident about yourself and believe you are beautiful, and be confident that others find you beautiful too
go to a dermatologist. they will be able to help you with your specific problems and skin type.
Keep your hair off your forehead because it might have oil that goes onto your skin. Wash your face with an acne facial cleanser. Try peroxide on a gaze ball, it works for me. If nothing seems to help probably go to a dermatologist for medication.
This is a web site comparing products and how well they work you might check it.
I have acne and the only think that's ever worked for me was going to a dermotologist. With insurance, my face creams are all under $15 ( I think).
i dont have excessive acne but do get frequent pimples and to get rid of them and keep myself from getting more i use Clearasil pore cleansing pads.

if you have tried them and they dont work make sure that you are washing your face with soap and water before you use these types of treatments. keeping dirt and extra oil off your face is the best thing to do

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