Thursday, July 22, 2010

Acne+Amoxicillin Treatment=Results?

I've been taking Doryx for treatment of my postulate acne for close to a year now, and saw minimal results. I talked to my dermatologist a few days ago and she switched me on to Amoxicillin. I'm spending alot of money for these antibiotics and I'm really hoping to see faster/better results this time. Does anyone have any experience with this medication? Please share! Thanks.Acne+Amoxicillin Treatment=Results?
Be honest with you I have never heard of using Amoxicillen to treat acne. Have you talked to your doctor about topical clindimyacin?Acne+Amoxicillin Treatment=Results?
Should work better i think... it can cause yeast infection though, on genital parts... not nice.
Yes, Amoxicillin can show results but remember that with any antibiotic you take, your body becomes immune/resistant to it. This happens at a pretty quick rate. Also, you should take a probiotic to replace the ';good'; bacteria in your stomach and intestines. Honestly, I would recommend stopping the oral meds and going to see a homeopath or naturopath. (It's not scary! It totally makes sense when you think about it. Your body is natural, why not heal yourself with something that's natural- that's what I did) Logically, your body is trying to push something out of itself but cannot finish the job so it happens over and over again (acne). You probably figured this out because no matter what you wash your face with I bet it all has generally the same result. Your body is off balance and needs to be helped from the inside so the outside can heal itself. If you do take my advice I will let tell you not to give up because most likely you will not get instant results. Results are in proportion to how long you have had the problem. It WILL help though, if not clear everything up completely. After going off of the antibiotic you should take a probiotic, like a mentioned before, to help your body replace the ';good'; bacteria. Hope this helps!

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