Thursday, July 22, 2010

Acne,spots and treatment?

please can someone tell me SImPLE home remedies to help acne spots and acne scars? i have tried clearasil and all that cheap stuff and i went to the doctors but nothing they gave me worked. i wan To know simple home remedies because otherwise i have to waste money i don't have to go to a dermatologist. please don't tell me to just go to the dermatologist i just want to know simple home remedies and sort of cheap products that i can get that actually work possible form boots or superdrug?

Please help im really self-consiousAcne,spots and treatment?
- I've been using ';Proactiv'; for many years now, and don't suffer from acne anymore. Is the only product that worked for me and I have clear skin for many years now unlike before. Millions of people highly recommend it as myself. They also have ';refining mask'; that literally kills the acne overnight. Proactiv will definitly help you be acne free. (use daily) Now is a lot cheaper than it was before. I know this product will work for you.鈥?/a>Acne,spots and treatment?
I'm not sure about shop medicines but know for one that chocolate causing acne is a complete myth, a lot of people say it's so, but eat as much chocolate as you want. For me eating deep fried food tends to give me spots. Perhaps, if you eat much deep fried food, lay off it for awhile and see if the acne dies down a little is my advice. A simple daily face wash helps to prevent it, I hear. Gets any oil stuck in your pores out of the way.
Open your pores with steam or warm water. Dab lemon juice directly on any red outbreaks. It kills the bacteria that cause acne. Leave on a minute. Rinse with warm water. Once a week use a clay mask to control the oil.
I have had the same problem, I started using proactiv it does cost a little, but it is worth every dime. you have to use it for a month before you start to see changes trust me it works
i always use asprin tablets crush them up add a drop of water to make a paste and put on spots for fews minute then wash off it always keeps my face clear! give it a try!
If u wish try VICCO turmeric cream ,its pretty effective i think it costs around 75/-

HOME REMEDIES:- try washing your face with besan or multani matti.

Even honey when smeared on the face acts as an astringent and it closes the pores reducing pimples.Even buttermilk can be used for the purpose.

Rub your face with lemon regularly this is very effective as it washes away all the extra oil from ur face %26amp; it also reduces the black spots and marks.

Cut down on salt intake %26amp; fatty's like oily food, chips, butter etc %26amp; do drink lots of water and if possible a glass of lemon juice with less sugar every day.

Using lemons u can get rid of ur pimples in just a month, even i was suffering from severe acne %26amp; pimples but now am absolutely alright.

Do try it.

Still more u can even use shikakai powder for washing your face instead of soaps and other chemicals .U can also plant a aloevera in ur home in a pot , scrub ur face with a bit of aloe daily it will not only help rid the acne but it also acts as a very gud moisturiser.

Hope i was of some help to you, i do know some other remedies but as i dnt know exactly about ur skin type i have suggested only those which are the most effective.
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