Thursday, July 22, 2010

Has anyone used Proactive? the acne skin treatment stuff on TV?

Getting married in a couple of months and would like to know what your thoughts are on this product? How much is it? Is is worth it? How long does it take to work? things like that, any and all info would be very helpful. I am Native American and I've heard that it can cause your skin color to be uneven if you are darker skinned, Is that true? and also is it like some acne treatments that can cause you to burn in the sun because of an ingredient (sp?) in it? Thanks for all answers in advance!! : )Has anyone used Proactive? the acne skin treatment stuff on TV?
from what i have heard about proactive is that if you stop using it, the acne comes back worse than before. so you have to keep buying the product. now walmart carries a product that is very similar to proactive. it is called AcneFree. it comes in a white bottle with orange and blue stripes. it is a three step program and costs about 20 dollars. IT IS THE ONLY THING THAT HAS EVER HELPED MY FACE (besides bc, which works great too). it does not sting my face nor does it smell bad like other acne products. i would start it down so it have time to be affective.

GOOD LUCK ON THE WEDDINGHas anyone used Proactive? the acne skin treatment stuff on TV?
I had severe cystic acne when I was in high school and tried the stuff (after trying every prescription known to man). It work ok at first, made my skin feel smoother and the redness go away. But it only lasted about a month. After a month my skin started getting worse again, it was almost like my body became immune to it or something.

After you get the first kit at the price of $20, you then have to pay $40 for all your further kits. It's not worth the money in my book. And yes it will make you more sensitive to light.

But the free face mask they give you as a gift is great for spot treating now that I've grown out of my acne. I still use it.

Good luck and best wishes!

(You may try posting in the ';Skin'; section of Yahoo answers, they could probably help you further.)
I love Proactive! It even cleared away my scars. Its $60 for a 3 month supply. It takes a few weeks to become noticable. If your worried about your skin talk to a dermatologist before trying it.
didnt work at all for me. i have no allergies, im absolutly certain i am alergic to nothing in this world. but that stuff just made my skin go crazy. i tried it for a couple months because the general rule is it gets worse before it gets better....well...the worse never got better. there are a lot of over the counter products that work much better. suave makes this stuff called facial astringent that works wonders. it stings a bit, but it really does work. it does dry you out a little bit if you use it too much, but if you do it just right before bed, you should be fine.
I used it for three months and it only made my skin worse. One of the main ingredients is benzoyl peroxide, which I do believe can make your skin more susesptible to burn, but I did not personally have any problems with this. I paid $50 for a three piece (plus a bonus mask) set that lasts two months.

- If you are interested in a cheaper alternative after I stopped using proactive I started using neutragena two in one, it only costs around $7 for a three months supply and it cleared my skin up in a month.
%26lt;y finace used it a little while and the towels he used were totally discolored from it!
According reasearch many anti-acne products are known to worsen rosacea symptoms. Medical experts strongly urge rosacea sufferers to stop using these products.

Rosacea is a common skin condition that affects many Americans, but it can also spread to the eyes and cause a constant gritty, burning sensation.

I have been in search a product that works on my skin, I finally found it on one of acne rosacea review site. I use ZENMED Skin Support System - Dry Skin, and I saw

results in weeks! I recommend it to anyone who has suffered through various dermatologist prescribed ZENMED Skin Support System - Cheers
It did seem to help me, but what they do is basically put you on a subscription for it. they will send you new supplies every month and charge your credit card for it. I didnt think the toner was very useful. but the scrubbing cleaner and the refining mask is good. I would go to ebay and buy those two there (for a lot cheaper and no subscription deal), then use a toner or acne cleansing pad, such as clearasil or noxema...something that has salicylic acid in it. twice a day. use a benzoyle peroxide containing pimple cream at night. you can do this in the morning too, but it can dry your skin out. those two are the key to clearing up skin. the scrub gets rid of dead cells which can clog pores and cause more pimples, but you can get any scrub at the drugstore. use it once or twice a week. wash your face twice a day with a salicylic cleanser...clearasil, noxema, etc. if you wash it more than that, you can cause the skin to produce even more oil!!

If you notice sensitivity to the sun, use a sunscreen that is for faces...non oily noncomedogenic. otherwise it will just clog your pores.

Try not to pick for the last two weeks or so before your wedding, so everything has a chance to heal up. Try not to wear foundation on your face so that you are not putting a lot of stuff over your pores that can clog them. they need to breathe.

Good luck and congratulations!!!!
I used it and it really works!! it's not as drastic like the faces on tv, but it's definetely worth buying =)
I was worried about my skin too before my wedding, I had acne all over just my left cheek up by my eye, so my friend turned me onto Bare Minerals-sold at Sephora and Ulta-man, this stuff really works. I used the face powder every day for two months before my wedding, and my face has never looked better. Even my husband noticed-and he asked me what I did to look so good!

The powder also contains SPF 15-you should use it before going into the sun-the sun always breaks my face out-and continue to reapply every 2 hours. There is also Bare Vitamins that must contain something that helps your skin as well.

Start out with the Basic Starter kit-you and your face will be glad you did. There is a CD included in the kit to show you how to apply the makeup if no one at the store is available to show you what to do.

Best wishes-you麓re going to look lovely-all brides do!
My daughter did, and had horrible problems.. make sure you aren't allergic to any of the ingredients first!. she was. it took months for her skin to finally settle down. I recommend you see a dermatologist rather than use any other products etc. A consultation with a professional for such an important day of your life if have skin related concerns is important. If not a dermatologist an Aestethican. It could in the long run save you time, money and possible problems. this isn't the time to experiment. also , don't have a facial a week prior too to the wedding either.. chances are good you could get a break out. this is the best time now to seek advice, way ahead..
First off - congrats on your upcoming wedding! I use the Proactiv system and I love it. I have VERY sensitive skin and at first I was very irrated by the products (they over dryed my skin which then caused more breakouts). I found that if I only use the system at night and use Cetaphil in the morning my skin is smooth and clear. It took about 4-6 weeks for me to get my skin under control. As other users mentioned, the face wash does discolor clothing/towels/sheets/etc so keep this in mind if you do decide to try the product line. Good luck!

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