Thursday, July 22, 2010

Whats a good treatment for acne?

my dad got me this herbal soap, it seemed pretty good but i got this huge pimple on my nose. i had the st ives apricot scrub but that was crap. should i just go to the dermatologist? or like, proactive? neutrogena?Whats a good treatment for acne?
In 2 weeks..... I would get Clearisil Ultra Daily Face Wash. I never trust anything with benzoyl peroxide because it makes my skin flip out, so I use that. It's really gentle and it does work in about a week or so. Never go directly to a dermatologists because you would lose a lot of money that could have been kept when your regular doctor can help you too.Whats a good treatment for acne?
clearisil face scrub works, along with the 4 hour spot treatment. its at any store that sells face wash

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