Thursday, July 22, 2010

Best mask / treatment for pitted acne scars?

I have moderately severe pitted acne scars and also some discoloration and blotchiness. I still have a slight acne problem and I have very oily skin. Please, help anyone? Answers appreciated.Best mask / treatment for pitted acne scars?
Try an herbal face wash and herbal acne gel. This site has a combination wash and gel that will help heal acne and reduce scarring.Best mask / treatment for pitted acne scars?

I would advice you to try some home based remedies for skin ,hair and weight problems, this link has some good information it sure did help me so here goes,
The only thing that will help pitted acne scars is a resurfacing treatment. Dermabrasion (a stronger level of microdermabrasion) or even laser resurfacing are your 2 best bets. However, they are a bit expensive and you may need to do 8-10 treatments.

As for oily skin...a good oil-absorbing mask will help - something with clay or mud. MUDD is a good brand and you can find many good ones at You can also try beating egg whites and spreading it across your face, letting it dry and washing it off.

For discoloration...depending on how severe...creams with hydroquinone are good. Ambi, Palmers, Porcelana, etc. are all good and do work. But you need to be careful to place the cream only on the dark spots.

As for the acne...THAT is a poblem in itself. Proactiv, Murad, Clinique, Philosophy all have acne kits/systems. There is also a prescription called Differen gel, you can try birth control pills (ortho), tetracycline...

Good luck. It's tough to get nice smooth skin....

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