Thursday, July 22, 2010

Any good organic acne treatments/preventions?

I have adult acne. I use ProActive but I feel like it is too harsh and it just pushes zits back under the surface.Any good organic acne treatments/preventions?
Try the stuff they have at Origins. They're organic and semi-lux as well.Any good organic acne treatments/preventions?
i've tried so many acne medicines. my dr told me to use a soap with no perfumes. i use regular dial foam soap. i used that for a while which seemed to work for the most part but then i also got a over the counter medication. benzi clin for the morning and differin at night. works fantastic!
I use ProActiv too. However, my history is with cystic acne and when I have one of those outbreaks, ProActiv helps nothing. You might consider going to a dermatologist and getting a mild cleanser to prevent outbreaks and some Differen gel for when you do have an outbreak. Specify that you merely want a mild cleanser, not a harsh treatment. Some of the products they have are very harsh and leave your skin red and peeling...only necessary for serious outbreaks.
There are many products on the market but the one I have seen and heard more about is Proactive. The have a full regimen of products that you use in different manners to clear up different skin problems. They also seem to work quickly which is usually a good sign too.
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