Thursday, July 22, 2010

Has anyone tried Proactive Acne Solution or Clean n Clear Advanced treatment? How were your results??

Im in my mid twenties and having skin issues... dont want to spend too much on products that wont work... advice please!!!!! :)Has anyone tried Proactive Acne Solution or Clean n Clear Advanced treatment? How were your results??
My sister used Proactive when we were younger (17 - 25). I should have bought stock in the company because she used it for years and bought every single product they made. She had a constant supply of the stuff too.

She used the products religiosly and I can honestly say there was a difference. It wasn't an immediate magical evaporation of acne, but it did help. Since she was a long time user I can say that over time it seems to work better and better. Her skin is noticably healthier than mine now and we are twins.

I have personaly used some Clean and Clear Advanced products and had the same results I got with all facial cleansers;

1st week - Very clear skin

2nd week - New drasticaly worse breakouts.

My skin is too sensitive so I just stick to constantly ducking into bathrooms to splash water on my face and pat dry. I also use oil free lotion when i get dried out. I have never tried procative myself, but I would say if you have the money and are willing to go long term, then it's definetly the best of the two choices.Has anyone tried Proactive Acne Solution or Clean n Clear Advanced treatment? How were your results??
I'm using Proactive right now. And like the other poster said, not too dramatic from the face wash, and toner and lotion. I mean it gets rid of the acne for a bit, but if you eat sweets or in my case chocolate or drink a Pepsi, seems to bring the acne back faster. They have a refining mask you can try as well, I haven't tried that as I'm allergic to sulfur. Haven't tried the Clean and Clear, it may work it may not.
proactive have used it no dramatic results

clean n clear never tried it
  • cosmetics brands
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