Thursday, July 22, 2010

What's the latest acne-fighting treatments?

I've tried everything from Proactive to toothpaste to baking my face in the tanning salon to try to dry out my oily skin. Nothing works. My face is still oily and pimply. I wish I could afford some sort of cosmetic surgery. What's the latest (least-expensive) acne-fighting treatments?What's the latest acne-fighting treatments?
i tried proactive doesnt work and i got a rash from it...but i hear sensiclear is better then proactive and it sensitive to the skin.u can get a free trial of sensiclear ..go to and get ur free 30 day trail all u pay is shipping and after the trial is done ..u pay $26 every 2 months to get more sensiclearWhat's the latest acne-fighting treatments?
Best thing for your skin: Sex!

The late and great cosmetic scientist, Marguerite Maury (a founder in London of aromatherapy, the use of essential oils to cure problems from acne to obesity), pointed out in The Secret of Life and Youth: ';The sexual life of a woman is of the greatest importance to her appearance...';

DIFFERIN!!! it's about $15 a bottle and the bottle should last you for about ehh...2 months or so! soooo much cheaper than proactive and that stuff barely works. also, Differin is #1 recommended by can get free samples from your derm. good luck it's awesome stuff!!!
accutane!! it really works. it will probably make your face worse at first but then it will clear it all up. trust me. oh and it will dry your face out but use cetaphil and chapstick :)鈥?/a>
first, find a SENSITIVE face soap.

then, use PROACTIV


exercise OFTEN


then, if nothing else, see a Doctor
try this take an whole egg and some mayannaise mix it up together then leave it on for 20 min. wipe clean with cool water, do this for about 3 times a week and presto ! good luck ( on your face )

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