Thursday, July 22, 2010

Treatment for pregnancy acne?

Im asking advice from anyone who has had sucess with any products during pregnancy for hormonal acne. It seems that it is unsafe to use anything that contains benzoyl peroxide or sacylic acid during pregnancy so I need a good alternative. My skin is getting worse every day (i know in time in will go away but it is really bad now). I'm eating well and drinking plenty of water, my skin is normally quite good - it appears to be only a pregnancy / hormonal issue. Regular brand oil free cleansers have not helped.Treatment for pregnancy acne?
I can't believe I'm saying this, but try a potato. I thought my grandma was nuts when she told me to rub a potato slice on my face, but it dries the acne right up! Also, an aloe vera plant can help.

Congrats on your little one!!!Treatment for pregnancy acne?
ive never been pregnant but my sister has been three times, the best thing that she did to keep her acne under control is she drank water. A LOT of water... water even while not pregnant gets rid of the toxins in your body that causes acne. it will make you need to use the bathroom constantly but it does work. she also used a sensitive skin face soap something like neutrogena try that and see if it works.
try this just wash your face with regular soap or a face wash than as soon as your done showering/washing face and dry face off put a oil free moisturizer on (says something along the lines as does not clog pores) this might help your skin might be to dry so your body tries to correct it by producing more oil on skin.

good luck
Ive never had acne til I was pregnant. I tried EVERYTHING. I used 5 or 6 different acne products and nothing helps. You can't really fix's not a matter of having dirt clogged pores or anything, it's purely it has to go away on its own.

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