Thursday, July 22, 2010

Acne/pimple treatment?

I'm 15 and I have a mild case of acne and pimples,it's not that bad but i'd rather have a clear face.I've tried Proactiv but after months of using it and seeing no result i stopped using it and my acne got worse...i would like to know of any good treatments that i can buy for my acne.....stuff that i can get in Walmart and places like that.Acne/pimple treatment?
This is what I do:

Mix baking soda and witch hazel/or water together until it comes to a good constancy, and then spread on your face and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. these two things are very inexpensive and it's very easy to do since there is only two ingredients.

Toothpaste is good for drying out your pimple (for some people). Put only a little bit before you go to sleep. Some people use this as a mask but DON鈥楾 EVER DO THIS! It can change your skin tone and make your face discolored.

Aloe vera helps scars lighten and less noticeable (lemon, cocoa butter, witch hazel, and tea tree oil do the same thing). Use the gel (of the aloe plant) or the real thing.

Try to buy a cleanser that works for you, and when you wash your face, open your pores with hot water (not too hot, or it will dry out your skin) and massage it gently into your skin. Then, use cold water at the end to close you pores. The smaller your pores are, the less likely you're prone to pimples. Clearasil, Neutrogena, and proactive are good choices to start if you want a cleanser. Don't use body soaps because they dry out your skin. Don't scrub too hard either, because it can irritate your skin.

An egg yoke can be used to make you pores smaller. I used this when I had pimples. Just take the egg yolk (the yellow part) and leave it on your face for 10-15 minutes and rinse off with warm water and then splash your face with cold water.

Keep your hair out of your face because the oils in your hair could go into your pores. Change you sheets because they're are trapped with dirt, oils, etc.

Zinc (type of vitamin) is the one of the best things you can use to get rid of pimples. You can buy these almost about any large store (such as Wal-Mart or Shaws.) Have one tablet per day and try to cut down the junk food and replace it with vegetables and fruits. Drink lots of water and don't pop you acne. Popping acne can lead to acne scars.

If you have sensitive skin, don't use make up. Some of the things in make up can clog your pores and cause pimples.Acne/pimple treatment?
The primary cause of acne is the hormonal imbalance due to blockages in the paths of hormones along with congestion of blood and lymph toxins. Treating these causes implies adopting correct treatment course for acne. It is certain that no specific Vitamin can be effective in curing acne. However, certain Vitamins play an important part in hormonal balance and can effectively treat acne by restoring balance. The Vitamins play an important part in maintaining a healthy skin and keeping it acne free. Among the various beneficial Vitamins, Vitamin A or axerophthol (with carotenoids) and Vitamin B-complex play an important role in skin care and acne treatment.
Find a face scrub with Salicylic acid and use it when you take a shower. I found it most effective to take an early morning shower and make sure to use it at least 5 times a week.
try to use ';OXY 5';
I had the same problem...some acne but not an overdose. Nothing worked for me until I started using Clean %26amp; Clear Continuous Control (its in a puple tube/bottle). Just wash your face with that and then use one of the acne creams by the same brand. I use the Oil Free Dual Action Moisturizer and my face rarely gets pimples anymore. MAKE SURE to wash your face before you sleep really makes a difference.
I tried clinique and it worked for me...costs about the same as proactiv...get it at places like Macy's, Dillards, Nordstrom, or even at their

I used to use Mary Kay and all it did was make me break out
ok first cleanse your face with soap, then (With your face still damp) rub GENTLY salt on the affected areas, then (with the salt still on, rub a lemon wedge on your face. then wash it all off. then get honey and rub it on and leave that on for like an hour (or over noght with a bandade on) and like continue fer like 2 days and youll be fine my brutha...well atleast it works for me...=]
the key is natural. people have had good skin until they started using manufactured chemically enhanced products.

instead use some home remedy beuty products. they are bound to work safetly!!

i have them too!! well i used to have them!!

the key word is clean!

what you do is you exfoliate your face, without drying it out. a nice gentle face wash. WITH WARM WATER, not cold.

this will open up your clogged pores

then if u happen to have tea tree oil and sea salt..mix a little together and wash your face with it. its a nice scrub

after, take a cotton swab and a little bit of rubbing alchohol and gently dab onto nose. it will kill the bacteria.

after doing that

splash cold water on.

get an oil free moisturizer. i like olay daily with spf 15

repeat for a few days.

u will see a dramatic improvment!

also online, search...home remedies for skin

hope i helped!! please pick me, my account got deleted by accident and i was level 3 :(
Go to the skin doctor. They can help it allot. they put you on like a 6 month treatment and you take it twice a day and your skin will get kindof dry but soon all of it will go away for the rest of your life! Most insurances pay for it i believe!
Okay. I have this same problem.

Nothing works for me so far, I've tried everything.

The thing is, everyone's skin is different and different products work for different people.

And not only that, but after a while your skin gets used to the face wash and it stops working.

I've tried toothpaste, Clearisil, Oxy, Proactiv, Natural facewash, lemonjuice.


You just have to find the product that works for you.

Keep searchingg!!

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