Thursday, July 22, 2010

Why did I get acne on my face even after I stopped the roaccutane 7months treatment almost 2 yrs ago?

After finishing my treatment of roaccutane 2 yrs ago (20 mg per day for 7 months) all of a sudden I started getting acne AGAIN on my face now!!!Why? I went to the Dr %26amp; he perscriped me the same treatment for 2 months. (I am 29 yrs old)Why did I get acne on my face even after I stopped the roaccutane 7months treatment almost 2 yrs ago?
I'm 16 and started treatment on Roaccutane over 2 months ago - 18th December 06. The dermotologist told me that there is always a tendency that the ance can come back in later stages - but not for everyone and if this happens they'll put you back on another course but not as long as your first course until it clears up. But I would carry on with the Roaccutane for a little while so it stays in your body longer.

If that makes any sense at all.Why did I get acne on my face even after I stopped the roaccutane 7months treatment almost 2 yrs ago?
Your doctor must be crazy because that only works for 12andup

the treatment that you need proactive but check with your doctor first to see if this treatment will be good for you.GOOD LUCK!
acne has several causes. if it appears due to stress,then no amount of ointment can cure it permanently.try to find out what really causes your pimple outbreak.then, learn how to manage it{if it is work-related} the medicine is just prescribed to clear the inflammation or the symptons but not the cause/s.
i think yours is hormonal.. so those dermatologists cant do anything.. try the natural way ..
I struggled with acne for years and I finally found the solution that works for me. We have been fooled, tricked, deceived, and just plain lied to. It's time that someone put a stop to it, and everyone learn the truth!

Those of us who suffer from acne have usually been given 2 choices and neither of them work:

1. Over the counter remedies such as cleansers, creams, ointments, etc. These things have been proven over and over again not to work. Why? It does not address the root cause of the problem.

2. Go see a doctor and or dermatologist. They will generally prescribe prescription drugs which include topicals and or antibiotics. This, too, has been proven over and over again not to work. Why? It does not address the root cause of the problem.

I found a step-by-step program that cured my acne and it has never come back. It is amazing and doesn鈥檛 use any drugs or doctors. The truth is that acne can be cured鈥f we know the secret the doctors and drug companies don鈥檛 want us to know.

There is a great website: that has all the details. I really suggest you check it out and see if it works as well for you as it did for me.
I've answered several Acne questions and it pains me to see so many people having similar problems. I never tried roaccutane but I tried Proactiv which made my skin break out worse because of my sensitive skin. I had acne through puberty and an additional 10 years after - which I later discovered was hormone related. I had been to a few dermatologists but they just wanted to dry my skin up to the point it was flakey all the time or red with rashes. I did a lot of online research and tested many many products of my own, I can tell you that there is no pill or cream out there that you can use overnight or for a week and it will forever get rid of your outbreaks.

I finally discovered something that I believe has not been widely publicized because no company can patent it and make lots and lots of money off of people like you and me. It's called Pantothenic Acid - a fancy name for Vitamin B5. Go ahead and Google will see a lot of references to curing acne. I was skeptical as with everything, but my skin has never been so soft and clear since I was probably 12 (I'm 26 now).

The one thing you have to remember when taking this vitamin supplement is that you must take it in high doses. You can buy it at any vitamin store, but only buy it in 1000mg (1gm) per pill strength. I found it online the cheapest.

To start, the recommended program starts you out with 3-5 grams a day for about 5 days. This helps your body get acclimated to the vitamin. You should start to notice a difference after 2 or 3 days, smaller pours, healed blemishes, and I even noticed increased energy. After 5 days increase your dosage to 10 grams a day. I know it sounds like a lot, to take 10 pills a day, but think about how much you want clear skin and that should get you past it. The recommended program has you taking 10 grams for 3 months before backing off to 3-5 for maintenance. I actually only took 10 grams for a month and now am just maintaining with 5-6 grams a day and its working just fine. I did miss a day of pills and immediately started to breakout again so this is one of those things you must be faithful with.

Expect to shell out about $25 a month on 1000mg Pantothenic Acid. A small, small price to pay when you think of all the money wasted on the products out there.

There are very little negative side effects. The only thing I would recommend is to take 3 pills with each meal, and one with a snack, otherwise you may get a little gas or slight diahrea. Nothing major though and by taking with meals it eliminates that problem.

If I help just one person with this recommendation, writing this would have been more than worth it. I know how frustrating it is to have acne (especially as an adult), but it doesn't have to be an issue for any one else out there who trys this simple yet effective treatment.
Look into this website, they have some excellent treatments for your problem -
I highly recommend changing doctors, nothing against your present doctor, ask for a referal, your face comes first, sometimes the most simple medication works, the dermatologist I think is the answere.
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