Thursday, July 22, 2010

What is the best acne and pimple treatments?

I get pimples and acne, but not huge breakout acne! What do you think is the best treatments for this? Nothing real expensive or are there any home remedys you know about? I would rather know about the treatments you can buy though.....................HELP!What is the best acne and pimple treatments?
Here's a simple formula for keeping the acne away.

1. Go Buy two face cleaners: 1 clearsil pads and 1 apricot scrub

- Use clearsil pad to clean your face every morning and before bed. (Wash face with water, dry, use pad, don't dry).

- Apricot scrub. Use this at least once a week. Best to use every other day though. Easiest to use in shower. After use then use clearsil pad.

2. Use rubbing alcohol for spot reduction. Dip Q tip in rubbing alcohol and apply to pimple before bed.

3. Don't cause scars: Don't pick if you don't have to.

4. Keep your hair clean. Our hair has so much oil in it (even dry hair). Many people don't realize that a lot of acne comes from hair. This means shower at least every other day.

5. Keep your pillow case clean. Wash weekly. If you don't have washer and dryer then wash in bathtub. It holds a lot of oil!

6. If you are a female you can also buy some concelear. If you can afford it buy oil free concelear (like Physicians Formula). If not then buy 99 cent concelear (wet n wild brand is cheap). You can use this to cover up acne while in public and for some reason i think it helps to wear it.

7. Drinks lots of water!!!

If you can't afford to buy acne products listed above there are home remedy formulas.

Instead of clearsil pads apply rubbing alcohol with cloth.

Instead of apricot scrub mix oil free soap with sugar (I used to keep a glass jar of sugar in my bathroom).

If this doesn't work you can ask your doctor to prescribe Benzol Peroxide (use it in place of the cleansing pads), it's a bit stronger.

You can't get rid of scars until you've been acne free for 3 months. At this time you can start using scar meds. like Mederma.

Tip: Hot water opens pores so you can clean them out. Cold water closes them.

Tip: Don't ever rub face dry with a towel. Either blot dry or let air dry. Towel particles clog up pores.

Additional Information:

If your skin gets dry after using products it probably means you have skin that's on the dry side to begin with. Buy a moisturizer or facial lotion that is oil free and use after applying cleansing product (and before applying makeup if you use it).

Hair is very oily. You should wash hair before bed to prevent this problem. And don't condition the top of your hair, only from the nape of the neck down.

REMEMBER: You have to use all steps for it to be effective.

Hope this helps!What is the best acne and pimple treatments?
If you have acne just here and there not all over this is the best of the best ,the only one. For your acne problem, use “ARTISTRY BLEMISH CONTROL ACNE TREATMENT GEL” which helps you treat, heal, manage breakouts and makes your skin blemish free.Controls, treats and heals blemishes with proven power of salicylic acid.Keep your skin blemish free! Treat, heal, and manage breakouts with Blemish Control Acne Treatment Gel. The salicylic acid helps control blemishes, while the Nutrilite-approved ginseng provides clarifying properties, and the chamomile soothes skin. Artistry is one of the best 5 selling brands around the globe. It definitely helps you out for your acne problem. If you have further questions, feel free to email me any time at For more info on products and their prices, visit this website…
Well, i had proactiv too..but that was a total waste of money for me..i guess it just depends on your skin type..because it didn't work for me.. but yeah..i use to have the same problem..not majorly bad acne..but enough to make me really self-conscious about the way my face looked..but..i found an answer for mine..its cheap..and it works great...guess what...ITS JUST PLAIN Dove Bar since Ive started just using works helps to keep your hands off your face..i had a really bad habit of doing that in class..but i stopped..and..dont worry..if you eat chocolate..u can keep eating it..that doesn't effect acne..i thought it did too...but i still have the face book thing that Proactiv would give you..and they even said that it doesn't cause acne... hoped i helped you! good luck!
I use BeautiControl's All Clear skin set. They also have a body wash.

Check out the site listed below under source for more information or email me.
Wear a mask.
try cellderm; u can even try the free trial check the link…
It all depends on the type of skin and acne you have. I use zoderm and it's perfect. I only get the occasion pimple or two and it's not too rough for my skin.
try a spot treatment.
Personally, I use proactive, but that is more expensive (I have constantly oily skin so it's worth it for me...but not horrid scary like those pictures they sometimes show in commercials -shudders-). You probably are getting acne on the small scale from the way you described it...

So if you just used a mask of some kind once a night you'll probably be fine. Everyone has different things that work for them, but I sometimes use Queen Helene ';The Original Mint Julep Masque';.

Or if you want to get individual pimples and not take the time of a mask, Principal Secret ';Blemish Buster Solution'; actually works on me (it takes a few days before the pimple is entirely gone and burns a little a few seconds after put on, but it does work more than other options that I've tried). Honestly though, you just have to experiment to see what works on your skin. Neutrogena is a good brand to look into as well. Best of luck.
You have to attack acne where it starts, with your diet. For me, diet was the cause and solution. Topical medications fight the symptoms. Start by eliminating trans fats and eating more fruits and vegetables. Once you start cleaning up the inside of your body, by eating properly, the outside of your body (your skin) will be get cleaned up too. I started a website to document my problem and solution.

You might find it helpful to read my story. Just remember to eat an all natural/organic diet with lots of fruits and vegetables. Stay away from processed foods. Use mild, all natural cleansers and don't pick at your face. Get lots of sleep and enough water for your body weight. Remember, clean body = clean skin. While you're waiting for your skin to clear, remind yourself that acne is a challenge that you will overcome soon. Once you're rid of it, tell all your friends how you did it. That's what I'm doing. God Bless.
Try this protein mask it's great for the skin! Mix 1 tablespoon of egg white with a squirt of lemon juice and beat the mixture till frothy and appy it on your face, Leave for 10 minutes or until it has dried. Amazing results!
Arbonne acne line. Has wash, toner, lotion and vitamins and is not very expensive. It is only available through a consultant. I just became one. You can email me directly on yahoo. wendy_healthybodymindspirit
I LOVE PROACTIVE it works super good for me

or other wise St. Ives which is probably the second best it helps with acne and moisturizes your skin which u can find any where (target, wal-mart)

or like clean and clear or something like that

Would Jessica Simpson lie???

Think about it.
Proactive is good, I have been used for 6 month, it was really works for me. But besides to use external product, I think you really need to care what do you eat everyday. Avoid spicy food, fried food, greasy food, more fruit, vegetable are good for you Because good looking skin is inside out.

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