Thursday, July 22, 2010

Did this acne spot treatment work for u?!?鈥?/a>

I have a few breakouts and zits =[Did this acne spot treatment work for u?!?
should spend a little extra on ProactiveDid this acne spot treatment work for u?!?
I tried that one before, but I forgot how it worked. Have you tried the new Clean %26amp; Clear Advantage Acne Spot Treatment ($6.59). I swear by it, because I use Proactiv too, but before my period is supposed to come I tend to get 2 or 3 pimples...and now I attack them with the Spot Treatment. Be careful, use it liberally, because it will dry your skin. But you can also try Proactiv's Advanced Blemish Treatment ($30.00). I LOVE IT! :-D
i would buy proactive. Sometimes it works for me and sometime i wake up in the morning looking worse. All in all in works 8 out of 10 times for me
havent tried that. but benzamicen (sp) works FANTASTIC!!!
I've never tried it.. its not out in Australia yet.. but whatever you do dont buy proactive.. i dont know it works for some people.. and it may work for you.. but it didnt for me.. and i wasted my money on it and it made me get huge pimples that hurt like hell.... this may sound wierd.. but try washing your face with head and shoulders shampoo.. im using it at the moment and it seems to be working
yes that works, but be careful, it's strong, only use it on spots.


P.S. Proactiv system really works and is gentle but very effective.
you should try Clearasil acne control. The Vanishing Acne treatment Cream. Just put it on your zits/ pimples before you go to bed. It works wonders...
OMG YES!!!!! 2day i woke up with the biggest zit ever and i put it on and it is WAY smaller, just use it before u go 2 sleep and wash it off in the morining im telling u dude it a miricale worker
I use it and love it. I would only use it on the spots not on your whole face because, as the others have stated, it is strong. Try putting it on the spots before you go to bed at night. I usually see a difference by the next morning. It's not going to make the zits go away over night but it will make a difference.
Over a period of time it does work. I have had bad acne and I didnt find anything that helped dramatically overnight. The only thing that helped my skin overall was proactiv, but even that took time.
actually yes its one of the better ones..doesnt leave peroxide burns like some others can
Apply some tooth paste on the zit (s). Before you sleep, cover with plaster as to prevent further bacteria infection. Or you can try Avene's spot cream and take antibiotic like clindamycin.

it did, but it wont work for people like you.

You already know why.

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