Thursday, July 22, 2010


WHat is a good acne spot treatment for those occasionally huge zits and stuff? I hv mild-medium acne on my forehead. Right now i have this one zit and a few bumps sort of but those r just imperfections lol. Does anybody use a good acne spot treatment that works in one or two days????Something i could buy at a drug store would be good! THANKS!! pleease answeeeer! Thanks!A GOOD ACNE SPOT TREATMENT?! PLEASE ANSWWWEEERRR!!?
My personal favorite is the spot treatment by Neutrogena. I have tried many and this is only one that seems to work for me. It reduces redness and shrinks the size in the matter of 3 days. Its worth a try, it comes in a small tube and is about 6-7 dollars.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My face also developed weird allergies while pregnant… I tried to put aloe on some extra-red face parts and broke out in hives, which never happened before or after pregnancy. My face also scarred easily during pregnancy; the only permanent acne scars I've ever had are from my two pregnancies. All to say: be extra careful with your skin while pregnant, because whatever you do might stick with you!

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