Monday, August 23, 2010

...........Acne problem..........what treatment do i use to take aways the redness i have on my cheeks & nose?

everyone is different when it comes to acne, so you'll have to try lots of different stuff to get rid of your problems. i recommend a product called beautiful skin!...........Acne problem..........what treatment do i use to take aways the redness i have on my cheeks %26amp; nose?
I use proactive and no joke it works like a charm! Maybe you should check it out!!...........Acne problem..........what treatment do i use to take aways the redness i have on my cheeks %26amp; nose?
Well you should try Proactive but it really didn't work on me.
Pregnancy will do many things to your body and may cause severe acne also. I suffer from acne and all I could do is make sure I washed my face several time throughout the day and use stridex pads on my face. Maybe even a little seabreeze to help with the oiliness. Maybe you can use some sort of facial moisturizer as well so your skin doesnt dry out too bad.
i am using a nutragena scrub and moisturizer- its helping me. also there is proactive or clean and clear
i use this product:鈥?/a>

I dont know if you're pregnant, but you asked this in the pregnancy section, my doctors said its safe while pregnant.

Its also a good idea to use some aveeno daily skin brightening srub in the shower every day. Its very gentle and will help even your skin tone.

if youre not pregnant, use both those and go tanning once or twice a week, that helps a lot.
As others have already said, try proactive, if you don't care for ordering things over the phone or online they actually have kiosks in the malls now where you can pick it up. I urge you to give it a whirl, it cleared up my teenage acne kept me acne free in my twenties and now that I am pregnant is clearing the little ';hormone breakouts'; very quickly. Do you think the redness on your cheeks and nose could be the mask of pregnancy? it is a fairly common symptom of being preggers and can become darker if your in the sun a lot. Best Wishes for you!
Proactive hasnt worked for me, only made it worse, made my face very red, seems like I wa sallergic to it, but to many friends of mine it did work,

But i used a drug called amnesteem, it has a couple of other name. ask your doctor about it, I used it for 6 months and now I have clear skin thank god...
what is this question doing on the pregnance section.

you really need a life.. and some proactive.

i mean havent you seen the COMMERCIAL!?!?!?

jessica simpson NEVER lies!

omg.. speaking of jessica simpson , i luvv her songs....

i need an angelll...blah blahh blahh

i luv tellietubies too

tinkie winkie




OO speakin of tinkie winkie, i luv john mayer!!!!

with a passion

hes the ****

i luv him

i luv him

i luv him

ur an idiot if you dont like john mayer





what was the question again????

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