Monday, August 23, 2010

Do you trust acne treatments from the doctor?

I don't ;]

I know, weird questionDo you trust acne treatments from the doctor?
Yes, I do.

Listen, I've always been skeptical about what doctors prescribe me with. I also use to suffer from VERY bad acne. My parents finally made me go to a dermatologist even though I didn't want to. The dermatologist prescribed me with treatment and urged me to use it. However, I was skeptical, and for the next 4 weeks I didn't use it. Obviously, my acne stayed the same. I finally told myself that I was fed up with my acne, it was ruining my social life. My only option was to obey my dermatologist's orders and take the medication he prescribed me with. So I took the medication, and, about a few weeks later after taking the treatment, my skin cleared up at least 90% I was so happy I obeyed my dermatologist!

So if you're avoiding treatments from the doctor because you're skeptical, then my advice for you is to USE the treatment they gave you. I promise you, you can trust them. They are the experts after all.Do you trust acne treatments from the doctor?
i never had acne problems...but i had this one friend that had really bad big ones all around her face...the ones the doctor prescribed didnt work for her...neither did proactive...depends on the person i guess
Hi. Accutane worked for my husband. No side effects. Just kind of dry. Dry skin, thirsty... It went away when he was done taking it.

theyve worked for me
yea... those things work wonders.

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