Monday, August 23, 2010

Does anyone know a good treatment for pregnancy acne??

I know it's hormones but my face and chest are breaking out like worse than when i was a teenager and it's hard enough feeling cute when pregnant....thanks!!Does anyone know a good treatment for pregnancy acne??
Outbreaks of pregnancy acne are common for many women because of all the changes taking place inside their bodies, particularly in terms of hormone levels. When hormone levels are fluctuating skin oil production can go into overdrive, causing pores to become blocked and infected. Acne then develops usually around the mouth, shoulders, chest or back.

Using drugs to treat pregnancy acne is a serious concern for most women. Consuming oral drugs can cause side effects and can be potentially dangerous for unborn babies. Nobody wants to risk the health of their child for the sake of eliminating acne. The logical course of action is to use a topical treatment. Preferably one that does not contain any harsh chemicals, because they can be absorbed through the skin and into the bloodstream.

Beauty is a boon with which very few women are blessed. However, it can be acquired by a little care and determination. The first thing which a stranger sees is your skin, your eyes and your hair. Therefore, to make a good first impression it is necessary that you present a flawless skin to the world.

Here are some rules for keeping the skin healthy and glowing:

鈥?The greatest boon for the skin is available free plenty of water - drink at least 8 glasses every day starting from the moment you wake up. You will benefit even more from a glass of warm water first thing in the morning. It dilates the blood vessels and the blood flows more easily and quickly through the body.

鈥?The skin needs attention-twice every day. Cleansing (usually nothing more than a splash of warm water for dry skins and a wash with soap for oily skins) followed by a freshening skin tonic plus your protective moisturizer (with a sun-screen) is necessary in the morning. At night real cleansing takes over. Not a smear of cream, but deep thorough creamy cleansing; plus an oil to remove eye make-up. After this some oily skins need washing. Other skins need only skin tonic and a moisturizer or night cream. You don't have to leave cream on all night. All the good it will do takes only 20 minutes. Blot off any excess oil.

鈥?Our- skin is not designed to withstand the sun's penetration. Severe sunburn is the result of exposure to the sun. Many drugs such as tranquilizers, antibiotics etc. make the skin extremely sun sensitive which may result in severe burning.

鈥?If you have an oily skin stay away from make-up which is oil-based. Water-based cosmetics are freely available and can be used instead.

鈥?Dry skin will benefit from a night cream put on just before a shower. The steam from the hot shower will assist the penetration of the cream.

鈥?All body skin should be aired daily. Tights retard the natural sloughing off process, so try and air your legs. If you wear trousers to work, don't wear stockings.

鈥?Exercise daily. It will make the skin glow.

鈥?At the end of a long day, what could be nicer than a lovely luxurious soak in the bath. Even the healthiest woman needs a Herbal Bath once in a while. Gather a handful of fresh herbs from the garden (or from a herbal store, if fresh ones are not easily available) - rosemary (rusemari), thyme (ban ajwain), mint (pudina), lemon (nimbu) anything except garlic (lahsan) will do. Bruise the leaves lightly and toss them under the hot water tap as you fill the tub. The delicately fragrant vapor that rise is excellent for your complexion, while the herb-spiked water tones up the rest of your skin.

Bath milks are rich treatments for starved skins. They contain emollients, oils and other skin-softening ingredients and turn bath water a milky color. Soak as long as possible for better results, patting the skin dry with a towel afterwards. Lemon lovers and those who want a really refreshing soak, will love the fragrance of a slice of a juicy lemon in the bath water. In case of an oily skin, slice up and use the whole lemon.

A sea salt bath works wonders for tired muscles, aches and pains and stress related symptoms. Squeeze bath gel into bath water and it will cleanse as well as pamper sundry or sensitive skin. Bubble Baths - the traditional luxury, are liquid or powder preparations that turn a tub into a sea of foamy bubbles. Scented, they soften the water and make a bath a beautiful place to be in - although they are usually cleansers rather than beauty treatments.Does anyone know a good treatment for pregnancy acne??
wash a washcloth in bleach, let it dry then boil some water and put the cloth in the water let it cool enough to the point you can stand. place it on your face a few times to open pores. then clean your face with astringent or noxema right before bed. wake up immediatly clean your face nut after your teeth and if you have oily skin do not use any moisturizer. repeat for a week or two and your face will clear

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