Friday, August 20, 2010

Anyone ever heard of puppy acne? What's the treatment?

Yes. Almost all of my puppies get it. Antibiotics clear it up and help avoid too much hair loss and a whopping infection!!!

Often called ';puppy pyoderma';.Anyone ever heard of puppy acne? What's the treatment?
Yes, it is not uncommon. Treatment depends on severity of the situation. Some are cleared up with either chlorhexidene or benzoyl peroxide baths. Other require antibiotics.Anyone ever heard of puppy acne? What's the treatment?
puppy's get zits...weird..
Yes, it is just like people acne. over active sebaceous glands on puppies. Usually vets just recommend wiping the area with a noxzema or stridex pad(the kind you and I use for out acne). If that doesn't work though and the acne gets worse etc. consult your vet.
If it is minor, then no treatment is needed. My poor baby got it really bad and was given antibiotics.

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