Friday, August 20, 2010

What cleanser should i use with clean and clear advantage acne spot treatment?

So i got tired of my pimples so i started to use proactive and it worked a little at first but it didn't get rid of all my acne and ive used this product fo about 5 months now. ( i only continued using it because really bad acne runs in my family and this ';controlled'; my acne).

i now finally quiet proactive and im now trying other products.....that i haven't tried yet.

i bought clean and clear advantage acne spot treatment and its working really well. but i dnt know what cleanser will work best with washing my face before i use this product so has anyone found any clean and clear cleansers or anything else to work great with this product??

( im currently using nutrigena acne soap but i want a better product to go wit this.)What cleanser should i use with clean and clear advantage acne spot treatment?
St. Ive apricot scrub. the one for blemish's.What cleanser should i use with clean and clear advantage acne spot treatment?
clearasil stayclear cleanser. this cleanser is not so harsh, doesnt irritate or dry skin. the advantage spot treatment i think drys out skin so use a gentle cleanser. use a toner or astringment after that and a good moisturizer.

olay have great moisturizers!!
I use the same spot treatment with the Biore Revitalizing 4-in-1 Cleaser/Daily Recharging. I've been using it about a week or two and my skin has DEFINITELY improved.

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