Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Best treatment for acne/blemishes?

I'm currently using neutrogina, but it still leaves me with a lot of blemishes, and my face is even redder than when I didn't use any acne meds. I hear proactive is really good...anyone have experience with that? What do you guys think is the best treatment for acne/blemishes?Best treatment for acne/blemishes?
NO PROACTIV! I tried it for five months and I took pictures of my face week by week...it got worse and worse and worse. The reps for Proactiv urged me to just ';keep using it because soon I'd see results';....but it was a LONG trial...I had had enough!! They just want your money.

Here's the nitty gritty....I finally went to my derm. because I am getting married in 10 weeks....any acne you have won't be cleared up with any OTC product, from how you are describing your face. You, most likely, have stubborn acne and acne that keeps reoccuring. Am I right so far?

The best thing for you to do is schedule an appt. with a dermatologist and he/she will give you prescription strength medication and possibly an oral acne antibiotic. Both will take 4-6 weeks to show results, but THEY WORK. The OTC meds aren't getting to the root of your problem...nor mine...so I'm serious when I say you need the doctor-prescribed meds. I have wasted probably $600 dollars in acne meds (OTC, Target-bought, Wal-Mart bought, etc.) and could have saved it all. Think about seeing a derm. doctor...it's worth it.

Best meds so far are Retin-A and Minocycline/Tetracycline/Doxycycline (oral antibiotics).

OH....and here's something my derm. asked me....what kind of moisturizer are you using, if any? This is OTC but you'll have to ask the pharmacist for it. It's Aqua Glycolic face cream....google it and see it's reviews. It works....it's also about $20....but it moisturizes and delivers Alpha Hydroxy Acids and glycolic acid to your skin...it needs that for cell turnover and gentle exfoliation. I've been using it for a week and I CAN see the difference in my face. Check it out.
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