Monday, August 23, 2010

Wats a good black head treatment n a acne threat meant not soo expensive?

Spend some time working out, and in a steam room/sauna afterwards. That will clear up those pores by opening them up to sweat and not collecting dust in your sebum. That's what it is! Sitting around too much!

A blackhead cleanser (that has exfoliant) isn't a bad idea, unless you are taking acne medication that gives you sensitive skin.Wats a good black head treatment n a acne threat meant not soo expensive?
What I found works best on acne is a dab of honey followed by a dab of vaseline before bed. The honey breaks down to hydrogen peroxide, which kills the bacteria. The vaseline keeps more bacteria from getting in and takes away some of the stickiness of the honey.

Change your pillowcases often if you use this. Otherwise, it's no big deal and no one needs to know.

Got the idea from a honey and oil ointment the Hindus have used for over a thousand years on abrasions and small wounds. It works. I'm just too lazy to actually make the ointment properly.Wats a good black head treatment n a acne threat meant not soo expensive?
skip all the over the counter treaments (staltic acid or benyzone), or at least only use them for spot treatment. Wash your face daily, maybe twice depending on the dryness of your skin with a MILD soap, such as purpose or aveeno. Wash your cell phone, pillow cases, and anything that you rub yourface against frequently.

this isnt the fastest cure to acne, and wont work if you case is extremely severe. but is effective, safe, and probably the best LONG TERM option for anyone with mild acne.

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