Friday, August 20, 2010

Good home treatment 4 acne?

im 6 5 good looking but have an acne problem my proactive works but is to expensive

is there a home remedy that works wellGood home treatment 4 acne?
First of all,u need a gentle cleanser to cleanse ur face and withdraw any impurities from ur face when it comes to combat acne.Try Neutrogena,Dove or Clean %26amp; Clear since these cleansers are gentle to ur skin and effective.Remember to use a toner and do moisturize after u cleanse to restore pH balance and improve moisture balance to ur skin.Follow these steps twice daily and this could improve ur skin resistance to breakouts.However,u could also opt for homemade remedies.These are different 5 remedies that could help ur skin in no time.

Honey Paste-Another easy and effective homemade acne treatment is to make a paste of honey with cinnamon and nutmeg. All you need is about one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and about half of it nutmeg powder. Add some honey to make enough paste to cover the inflammed area completely. Just lie down as honey may dribble down. Wait for 10 to 15 minutes and wash with luke warm water.

Orange peel-Homemade Acne Treatment using Orange peel has been found very effective. Pound the orange peel with water on a piece of stone and apply to acne affected areas.

Basil tea-Basil tea like neem is effective in killing bacteria. Drinking it twice a day can do wonders to the skin.

Coconut Oil-Coconut oil is a cheap and easily available acne solution. Regular use of coconut oil over a period of time helps to clear your skin.

Lemon Juice-A simple remedy at home for acne: Apply lemon juice regularly to reduce pimples and acne. This has proven beneficial results.

Well,these are the remedies that work gentle on ur skin while getting rid of acne.Hope this helps and great skin wishes.

P/s:U could also seek a help from a dermatologist to improve ur chance of healing since ur derm could prescribed the best medication for u.However,do remember to use the remedies I suggest u.Hope this helps:-)Good home treatment 4 acne?
-Eat a serving daily of almonds(20), sunflower seeds (1/4 cup), or walnuts(14 halves) they have zinc. Also take zinc supplements. (when there's acne; there's usually zinc deficiency).

-Omega-3. Omega-3 fatty acids give the skin healing power. Omega-3 helps to clear up acne by thinning the sebum that clogs the pores. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids include fish and fish oils. Salmon and flaxseed oils are known for boosting Omega-3. (You can take Omega 3 supplements)

-Tea Tree Oil. Apply tea tree oil to the area several times each day. Some research indicates that tea tree oil is just as effective as benzoyl peroxide, the number one over-the-counter acne treatment.

-Sugar. Cut the sugar out of your diet. I used to have monthly flare-ups of blemishes. The remedy that worked best for me was to give up sugar. I replaced the sugar in my diet with honey. Believe it or not, refined sugar is processed to remove the nutrients. The bi-product is molasses, which retains all the nutrition lost in the processing. If you must eat sugar, eat brown unrefined sugar and cut back when your acne flares up. Artificial sweeteners come with a variety of warnings and health risks. Splenda does not currently contain warning labels, but it is highly processed and refined and simply not what nature intended. (Also avoid greasy oily foods like fast food or deep fried) Make sure you make your own fresh fruit juices. Drink green tea 2-3xs a day. Drink lots of water (8-10 glasses)

-Lemon Juice and Aloe. Each of these may be used with positive results on acne. The lemon juice works to clean your pours. The aloe works to heal skin damage. Studies have shown that treating the sores with aloe will reduce scars and speed healing.

-Raw Egg. To cure acne immediately, wash and dry your face. Beat a raw egg and apply this to your skin. Allow the egg to dry and stand on your skin for at least half an hour. Rinse off. The egg will immediately improve the look and feel of your skin.
try using regular vinegar or apple cider vinegar. put some in a cup and mix it with some water. (maybe 1/5 vinegar and 4/5 water). Get a cotton ball and rub the vinegar on the acne. It should start to go away in a few days, for most people. Hope it works for you (:. It's working for me :D.

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