Friday, August 20, 2010

What is the best treatment for acne??

When I had acne really bad I found that a change in diet is what corrected it. I drink a minimum of 10 glasses of water a day and limit my sugar intake to only one small serving a day. Basically I just have a really healthy diet. I also found that Neutrogena face wash with oil control works really well.What is the best treatment for acne??
I use the facemaster course to maintain acne free skin.鈥?/a>

The author also gives away a free ebook to help those who need a fast solution to acne. Well worth getting.What is the best treatment for acne??
I think it's diet which plays a major role. Avoid oily stuff like chips, nuts and chocolates and try to keep your face clean using an oil free face wash gel. Never touch them or prickle them. Use some fruit juice or pulp massage for 15 days. Using fruit pulps improves the smoothness and make your face look younger. This definitely works, I personally follow this.
There are many cheap and effective home remedies for acne. Tomato slices, turmeric, papaya juices and home made face packs will treat existing pimples and prevent further problems. More remedies at
one word proactive
Tetracycline. This is available with a prescription from your doctor. See a skin specialist if it is really bad.
Don't touch.

Try not to wash your face too much.

Can be iritated.

Creams and other stuff can sometimes cause more then clear up.
If it's not that bad, tea tree oil is great. But read the directions and do a test first just in case you are a rare person who is allergic. If it's really bad go see a dermatologist and get the proper drug for it which really kills the acne.
Pro active. I bought this for my daughter and it has really helped her out. She had bad acne and this works for her.

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