Monday, August 23, 2010

Anyone have really good acne treatments?

lately i have been having breakouts and tried pro active ,and clean and clear .. neither workeddd! anyone know anything good to clear up my pimples im sick of themm ??/Anyone have really good acne treatments?
hey if you have time (and the money) go to the doctor..they prescribed me this stuff called Retina-A

IT WORKS FREAKING WONDERS FOR ME!!!!! I have tried all of the things you mentioned and many more...belevie me acne sucks and ive had it for a few years...this is the only stuff that works (for me at least)

if you cant go to the dermo right now..over the summer i used the oxy overnight spot treat ment ..that also worked wonders for a much cheeper price (but not as fast the the prescribed stuff) you can get this at any drugstore

about 6$ mabey less

since this stuff can be a little drying you need to use a really strong moisturizer . I used this stuff by Patricia MD wexler.. it is a moisturizer that not only took away my acne but also it made my face really smooth and healthy looking . This you can get at any Bath %26amp; Body Works. (Dont get the kit cause its a really $ and works just as well as the oxy stuff does)

ive recomended this to so many people and ive gotten so much positive feedback! good luck and hope this works for u =)Anyone have really good acne treatments?
i use to have really bad acne then i started drinking alot of water it helps clear your skin then i would use nuetrogena it makes your skin feels so clean and use apricot scrub after to remove blackheads and dead skin then rinse my face with freezing cold water i don't have acne now though sometimes i would forget and get lazy when running out of facial wash and use something else and break up but then it would do away again lol when i went back to neutrogena and apricot scrub and cold water
This is what I recommend:

Mix baking soda and witch hazel/or water together until it comes to a good constancy, and then spread on your face and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. these two things are very inexpensive and it's very easy to do since there is only two ingredients.

Toothpaste is good for drying out your pimple (for some people). Put only a little bit before you go to sleep. Some people use this as a mask but DON鈥楾 EVER DO THIS! It can change your skin tone and make your face discolored.

Aloe vera helps scars lighten and less noticeable (lemon, cocoa butter, witch hazel, and tea tree oil do the same thing). Use the gel (of the aloe plant) or the real thing.

Try to buy a cleanser that works for you, and when you wash your face, open your pores with hot water (not too hot, or it will dry out your skin) and massage it gently into your skin. Then, use cold water at the end to close you pores. The smaller your pores are, the less likely you're prone to pimples. Clearasil, Neutrogena, and proactive are good choices to start if you want a cleanser. Don't use body soaps because they dry out your skin. Don't scrub too hard either, because it can irritate your skin.

An egg yoke can be used to make you pores smaller. I used this when I had pimples. Just take the egg yolk (the yellow part) and leave it on your face for 10-15 minutes and rinse off with warm water and then splash your face with cold water.

Keep your hair out of your face because the oils in your hair could go into your pores. Change you sheets because they're are trapped with dirt, oils, etc.

Zinc (type of vitamin) is the one of the best things you can use to get rid of pimples. You can buy these almost about any large store (such as Wal-Mart or Shaws.) Have one tablet per day and try to cut down the junk food and replace it with vegetables and fruits. Drink lots of water and don't pop you acne. Popping acne can lead to acne scars.

If you have sensitive skin, don't use make up. Some of the things in make up can clog your pores and cause pimples. Keep your hands out of your face as much as you can because you hands a full of bacteria and oils.
clearasil ultra.

not proactive!
Go to and try the Exfoliate Me daily Glycolic Cleanser....It cleared up my skin. Its great!
Arbonne has a acne line. Do you have acne all the time or just breakouts? If you just break out you just need a good face wash and a suppliment. If you are broken out all the time I would suggest my line of Acne Products $66 plus tax and shipping. If you dont like it you can send it back within 45 days for a full refund. I aslo have some great face washes. All the products are all natural no animal testing dermetolgist tested. Great products. It doesn hurt to try.

If you are interested in more
your skin eventually gets immune to creams and other things like that try this鈥?/a>

its my secret to beautiful skin
yeah, my doctor prescribed me some acne cream. one 4 night and one 4 day. ask yours the next time u go about it! trust me, it will help!! ^_^
AcneFree works wonders. I believe that it is way better then ProActive. It's a step-system like ProActiv but it seems to have much more of a lasting and helpful affect then ProActiv does.

If that doesn't work, you may want to consider going to the Dermatologist and see if he/she will put you on Accutane. It's an expensive drug to help rid of acne but it works wonders and is worth it.
Try Natures Cure, available at any drug store. It's a homeopathic treatment with no side effects. You take a pill in the morning a pill at night, and apply the cream when needed. It's under ten dollars and works very well.
you've used all diffrent kinds of skin treatments and creams and nothing works right?

go see your doctor and say you've used all these diffrent things if they give you a rollon or cream ask for pills, you use them once a day and it takes a few months but it really does works!
There are a variety of ways to treat acne and many acne sufferers have found that the natural types of acne treatments can be effective at helping to stop your acne and no negative side effects.Log on to for a few home made tips to heal acne .
clearasil works well also it could help to have something prescribed by the dermatologist.
Acne is one of the most distressing and depressing problem. Soak cotton wool in mint juice, and apply every day. Mix cinnamon powder with lime juice to make a fine paste, Apply on the spots and wash when dry .Check out for more useful info.

For more Information check:
  • makeup brush
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