Monday, August 23, 2010

I'm looking for the best acne treatments for current and future breakouts?

PROACTIVI'm looking for the best acne treatments for current and future breakouts?
I'm wondering the same thing myself, however I started using differin and it seems to have cleared up my skin, yet I still get occasional breakouts. I've tried proactiv and acne free and they were okay. I have also used benzoyl peroxide which helped but it burned so my doctor took me off of it! Hope that helps!!I'm looking for the best acne treatments for current and future breakouts? not and i repeat do not use proactiv

it works eventually but it is wayyyy too expensive

you should use AcneFree cause it works wonders in about three days and it isn't even that expensive

I've used AcneFree and a few days after i started using it my acne and pimples immeditely started going away

i haven't broke out even once after that

its amazing
I'm not sure, but I try to wash my face and use Vitamin E cream--if the product burns I usually can't use it.
i've seen proactiv produce amazing results :)

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