Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Should i use an acne spot treatment cream? or no?

Alright, I'm 14 years old %26amp; I was wondering if anyone could give me a good facial routine. I want my face to look better meaning; try to get some of the blemishes away %26amp; make my skin look fresher%26amp; brighter!

At night i use an clean and clear acne astringent %26amp; then noxema acne pads %26amp; then i use OXY acne spot treatment cream, should i continue the use of the cream or not%26amp; should i quit using so much?

I was also wondering if it's better to just cleanse my face with a scrub three times a day or should i continue use of all my stuff?

Is all the cream %26amp; junk im using on my face damaging it?

Thankyou so much!

%26amp; someone told me to use St. Ives Apricot Scrub, is that good?Should i use an acne spot treatment cream? or no?
Actually the best thing to do is to use natural soaps (trust me they work much better! plus u wont have to worry about adding chemicals into your face)

another thing you could do is kinda change your diet, like at least dont have too much fatty foods, and stay away from sugar!

believe me i had zits for YEARS and it finally cleared :DShould i use an acne spot treatment cream? or no?
Proactiv is excellent it helped me, but you must be consistent with the applications.
try acne wash neutrogena

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